IQ Store Replying to Review questions

There used to be a facillity to repy to IQ App review so that others could see your answer which can save time and reduce load for IQ.

However, today I had an email notification that said "I love this Watch face, but with the last updat..." now often when I click on the email Read Replies link, I don't see the reply and have no way to know what they are saying.  In this instance however, I could see it, but I could not reply to it on the App page.

Has that facillity bee removed? 

Why doesn't the email update show all the reply contents or provide a specific working link to the review, so that it can be replied to?

  • No, the ability for developers to reply to reviews has not been removed. Were you logged in with your developer account when you were viewing the review on the App Store?

  • I'm clicking on the email that Garmin sends me, which is not the email my account is registered with.  I created an email for Garmin sales so that my main email which is my Garmin Account email, is not displayed to everyone, like many others.

    So Garmin are send the Review update to the visible public displayed Contact email, and not the Account email!  Why?

    Regardless, the email from Garmin should take me straight into the account so that I can reply without me then having to log in, I would say.

  • What does your email address do anything with your garmin developer account? The link from the email (which BTW can be read in the browse, i.e gmail, or in some desktop app, doesn't matter) will open the app's page in default browser. It doesn't even matter if you're logged in because it takes you to an url that includes the developer and the app. If you're not logged in then you won't see the parts of the page that is only there for the developer when they're logged in, you can log in, and then you see it. If you only have 1 Garmin developer account then all this should really not matter. If you have multiple Garmin developer accounts then it doesn't really matter either, you'll just have to log out and log in with the correct account.

  • BTW I think it happened to me a few times that these emails made me confuse between notifications of a user leaving a review and a message sent by the user using the Contact Developer link. To further complicate it it can also be slightly different depending whether the user provided their email address or not.

    Please double check your email! You could also include a screenshot (but make sure to only include information that is public - not a message sent only to you)

  • What does your email address do anything with your garmin developer account?

    I am constantly logged in with my developer account.  When I get an IQ email with a review, and I "click here to view reply" in the email, it takes me to a new tab using the public email, which is different to my developer email, and I then have to log in. Sometimes, the review is hidden, so I never know what the actual review is.

    I have no idea why the email contains truncated review text, that you can't see untill tou go to the trouble of logging in.  That email should contain the full review text so you can then decide if it needs a reply or not, at that point. This stuff should be as simple as possible.  Currently it isn't.

  • I don't know what emails you get but in mine it looks like:

    "Click here to read your reviews."

    and when I click on the link on "here" it takes me to the app page, that is public, even you can see it: 

    When I am logged in then there I can go to the Reviews tab.

    Looks like you have some problem only affecting you, maybe related to your email client?

  • I think the problem is likely related to the browser and not the message link. Like said, the link in the review notification email is literally just a link to the app listing.

    I'm on a Mac using Outlook and Safari. If I'm logged into the App Store with my account and click the 'here' link in the review email, it takes me to the app's listing in a new tab, and I'm still logged in. Perhaps your browser isn't preserving the session data in the new tab/window—I'm not certain. All I can say for sure is I can't recreate the problem on my local system.

    The email is intended to give you a summary of the reviews so you can decide whether to go read the full reviews on the site, so we truncate the review messages to prevent the email from getting too long.