Hi all, I am new to watch face development but I submitted my first face a week ago. If it still hasn't been approved is there something I may have done wrong? I didn't set the app as beta.
Hi all, I am new to watch face development but I submitted my first face a week ago. If it still hasn't been approved is there something I may have done wrong? I didn't set the app as beta.
I don't see any pending apps in our queue that weren't submitted within the last 24 hours. We typically approve within 24 hours except on weekends and holidays. If your app is still not approved, please contact [email protected] and provide the URL to your store listing so we can investigate further.
Odd, I submitted it on 2/19. It is still pending. I realized that I hadn't done the EU verification steps, which I have done. I also edited the submission to remove the link to tips and say no to monetization in case that was the holdup. I will contact the email you provided. Thanks!
I've got the app approved and completed the DSA registration, so you should be set now. You're also free at this point to re-add the link to tips and indicate you are asking for tips in the app listing if you'd like.