Several of you have posted in the last month or two about EU DSA registration and difficulty or delays in getting registration completed, along with region limits being imposed on your apps even though your apps have been published for quite some time. I want to address these issues, provide some explanation, and give direction to those of you that are still experiencing problems.
DSA Registration
At the end of December, we published an announcement about trader verification, which explains the criteria used determine whether you must register to satisfy the requirements of the EU Digital Service Act. You can read about the specifics here:
The latest announcement coincided with significant improvements to the registration process. For those of you with monetized apps already approved on the store, you have likely already seen notifications and banners on the store directing you to complete this process, and many have already done so. For those of you that have not yet registered but would like you, you can easily start the process at
Pending DSA Registrations
Many of you have already submitted registrations during 2024 and have been patiently waiting for a response. We apologize for the delays in getting these registrations processed. I won't mince words here—we had a temporary process in place that was slow and labor intensive, and we fell behind processing these registrations. Fortunately, the new registration process I've linked to above streamlines things immensely. If you're waiting on registration, I humbly ask that you re-submit your registration using the new link. I realize this is at the very least an inconvenient annoyance, but it will be the best was to expedite your registration.
Region Limits
Lastly, we inadvertently set a cohort of developers to an "unverified" status with respect to DSA earlier in January. The effect was to suddenly impose region limits on some existing apps that should not have had any limits. Approximately 200 developers were affected by this, and while we have corrected the status of the affected developers, this does automatically revert the changes to the region limits of the affected apps. You must edit the app listing of any affected apps and re-enable the regions where your app should be available.
Need Additional Help?
If you have any trouble completing the new registration flow, still have trouble with region limits on your app, or have other questions related to EU DSA, please contact us directly at [email protected], and we'll provide assistance.