Dashboard - Why Always - "Sorry, your message couldn’t be submitted because we’re having trouble communicating with our servers. Please try again later."

(None of the existing issues reported with this error are of help to me. Don't redirect)

Issue: I have tried uploading new apps and updating existing apps since before Christmas 2024, and every time I get the:

"Sorry, your message couldn’t be submitted because we’re having trouble communicating with our servers. Please try again later."

Every single time.

I refuse to believe the servers are that difficult to communicate with, so there must be some underlying problem that just isn't being reported correctly back.

I often get through to the "Step 2: Enter Details" page, leading me to believe, that the .iq file has been uploaded, but I never get further than that, so maybe not?

"Sorry, your message couldn’t be submitted because we’re having trouble communicating with our servers. Please try again later." appears every time, sometimes after a couple of seconds, sometimes after 10 seconds.

Note: My .iq files are between 20-40 MBs in size, which I guess could be the issue, but I have uploaded 40+ MB .iq files in the past.

I did sometimes have to try several times back then, before it succeeded, but this time it doesn't matter how many times I try.

It always fails.

  • I uploaded a new beta DF. Tried to install it on my watch with the Download button. Of course I get the meaningless, misleading:

    "Sorry, the app wasn’t sent to your device because we’re having trouble communicating with our servers. Please try again later."

    The secret json tells: 

        "className": "ResourceNotFoundException",
        "message": "404 : \"{\"error\":\"ResourceNotFoundException\",\"errorText\":\"Latest Version for App with appUuid=4db70717-f1c9-442a-9f18-9d81c31e2ea0 is not available\"}\""

    can you check what's the issue? 

  • I'm having the same error.

    Tracking the network issue is giving a 500 internal service error on "https://apps.garmin.com/api/ciq-developerservices/iqFiles/validate?isNewAppVersion=true&appVersion=12.6.0&appId=37198784-737e-4376-a11a-ed10a7531e30" when trying to publish an app update. Seems like it's unable to validate that my reported app version is new?

    This to me looks like something I just have to wait to be fixed? I was able to update 3 watch faces today (clicking through the error a few times till it worked) but I have two left that just won't seem to clear past the error.

  • No longer getting the error i was before; pass that network step. Was able to get a 4th app updated; only one left. Now getting a 400 error with

        "message": "Error while adding the app version for appId=fb78b557-e41a-49cc-b0de-049bdf39b345"

    I know the app version I have typed in matches the manifest and is different than the current version. Not sure how to proceed.

  • FYI: the version attribute in the manifest is not meant to indicate the version you give to the uploaded IQ file. I also thought for a long time and changed it every time I exported the project, but it seems like it's an unused attribute (maybe meant to indicate the manifest.xml format, but since there has not been any change to it no tool checks for the value)

    Anyway, since I know this I stopped updating the version of the manifest and changed it back to 1.0 and not touching it.

    I had the same error 2 days ago and it turned out to be another server side bug. Looks like it's back now.

  • Oh, good to know! I had been wondering why I had to edit the manifest as XML (against the line telling me not to) to update the version. Sounds like I don't really need to.

    And yes, I was able to get my final app updated late yesterday, but I still had to spam the submission button for a while till it got thru.

  • The version number in the manifest.xml file is only used when you build a barrel, and then the version is included in the barrel name.

  • Same here—I had to remove all emojis. Previously, I used emojis in the description and “What’s New” section without any issues. It seems Garmin has silently changed the rules again.

  • Yeah,  can we get the emojis back?