App cannot be searched in ConnectIQ

Hi, our app AbsolutSweat was published for about one month and it can be searched in ConnectIQ web but not in Mobile. Do you have any idea?

  • I can find absolutsweat now in android connect iq

  • I have asked for EU registration 2 month ago! No reaction!

    Now my datafield

    cannot be downloaded in EU!
    (independent of OS: WIN, iOS - nothing works)

    That#s a shame!

  • I believe topic starter issue is related to this bloody EU restrictions and bloody verification.

  • When verification started, existing developers were grand fathered in.  I suspect the time that was in effect has expired.  It's going on a year.

    I went through the process right when it started, even though I had time.  It took a week or two.  There were probably few developers trying to get verified at the time.  I'm in the US, so that could have made it a bit easier, and I also had met the person doing the verification at all 3 of the CIQ in-person summits.  I was still asked for a scan of my driver's license.  I did consider sending a selfie that AlphaMonkeyC took of the two of us at one of the summits instead!  Slight smile

    Are you sure you didn't get an email that wound up in your spam/junk email folder you missed it?

  • Are you sure you didn't get an email that wound up in your spam/junk email folder you missed it?

    Yes, I'm sure. I always check the spam emails before I delete it.

    My "long year" datafields are still available in the shop of EU. Just this one "NEW" datafield has gone.

    Now I'm afraid to update any of my datafields - maybe they are gone too after updating...

  • Here‘s my registration request from November 2nd 2024:

  • Filled out the form as well; For me, it has also been over a month; no reaction, no confirmation, multiple requests, nothing. Contacted support directly to ask for a status, response I got "Not our department, fill out the form again". This is super frustrating. Maybe I should start looking for some other brands that have an SDK available.

  • Have you tried [email protected] ?

    That is the contact for stuff like this.

  • Can you add fr965 or edgeexplore2? I want to try something (though actually you can try it too: in Connect IQ app in the main screen click on your profile image, then manage garmin account and change your country to inside EU / outside EU and then log out in the same menu in connect iq (and also from Garmin connect) and log in again with the new country and then see if your app is installable)

  • Ok I tested it, changed to an EU country (maybe Garmin don't know it ;) and I could've downloaded another app from you. 

    Then I opened tunnelbear VPN and changed my country to the same country, checked that tells me I'm in Hungary, and then closed Connect IQ and opened again and I could install any of your apps.

    So I really don't know how this works... Next week I'll be physically in Hungary, so I can test if I'll remember (you can send me a private message here after the 21st if you want me to test)

    Or maybe Garmin don't know which countries are in the EU...