App to help user stay awake


Has anyone considered writing an app to help keep the user awake, or are you aware of one I've been unable to find? (Yes, I know this isn't a fitness related app)

In its simplest form it could just set the vibrate alarm to go off once every 5 minutes. I realise a countdown timer could do this, but I wouldn't want to keep setting it again, it needs to continually cycle the timer/alarm. Vibrate alarm activates, user "silences it", then countdown starts again, etc.

A more complex but nicer implementation would be using the automatic sleep detection that the newer watches have. If the watch detects the user falling asleep then vibrating alarm comes on to wake them up.

This could have many uses, though should obviously not be relied upon for safety critical applications such as driving. For me I'm currently thinking about it as a new parent. When sleep deprived the fear of falling asleep holding the baby is very real (however likely/unlikely) so an extra safety net using devices I already own would be great.
