Add dashboard like Apple Fitness for Connect IQ?

 Or can I help you develop one?  A landing screen which consolidates exercise and health data into one mobile screen.    Completion Loops for burned calories, steps, minutes exercise, selectable.  Current heart rate, breating cadence with click ins for historical.  Links to pull over MyFitnessPal/LoseIt!, Noom, and Weight Watchers food data.  If the food consumption data exists, then CICO (calories in/calories out) calculations.  Body battery (I actually love the idea of body battery and want to learn more).  Maybe a green, yellow, red for sleep and a click into the actual sleep data (REM, Deep Sleep, Total Sleep time).  Weight tracking against a goal.  I actually thing WE could design a better dashbard than Apple has, and a better dashboard will drive better sales.  I want to replace Apple Fitness with Garmin Connect Dashboard (my name for it) as the first app in my health folder on my iPhone.