i like to make an app for displaying track and turn for navigating as route/ i was wondering how to i get the routepoints name, latitude and longitude.
Target fenix 6
function loadRoutes() {
var iterator = Persisted.getRoutes();
var route = iterator.next();
while (route != null) {
routes.put(routes.size(), route);
route = iterator.next();
I can select the route
function onKey(key as Lang.Key) as Boolean {
if (key == Ui.KEY_UP) {
selectedIndex = (selectedIndex - 1 + routes.size()) % routes.size();
return true;
} else if (key == Ui.KEY_DOWN) {
selectedIndex = (selectedIndex + 1) % routes.size();
return true;
} else if (key == Ui.KEY_START) {
Ui.pushView(new RoutePointsView(routes[selectedIndex]));
return true;
return false;
var routesel =
But how do i get the name, latitude en longitude of a route