Feature request: Add option to hide BMI data

Can the option be added to remove the BMI estimate from the watch and app? It's not the most accurate way of measuring individual health as it doesn't distinguish weight differences between fat, muscle, organs, etc. So for a strength athlete (like me), or anyone else with higher than average muscle density, it's always going to give a false reading, so no sense it being there.

  • Can the option be added to remove the BMI estimate from the watch and app?

    Not with a Connect IQ app (you are suggesting an idea to Connect IQ developers here), but you can use Body Fat% instead of BMI. BMI is a fixed formula by definition, so it cannot take in account anything else than the height and weight. As for the Body Fat% - you can either use the Garmin Index 2 scale to have it synced with your Garmin Connect account automatically, or you can import the Body Fat % with a simple CSV file in Garmin Connect Web at https://connect.garmin.com/modern/import-data

    This is a sample CSV file:


    There can be multiple lines of data, but the first 2 header lines appear just once. Use a plain-text editor such as Notepad for creating the file. Do not use any rich-text editors like Word or Wordpad. And avoid Excel.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the info on how to add my body fat %, I appreciate it! I'm new to the Garmin world, so wasn't sure where to ask this.

    Thanks again,
