I have succeed to trigger the background service with the phone message in simulator but I can not display it in the tridderd function. The codes are as below
public function onPhoneAppMessage(msg as Communications.PhoneAppMessage){
//WatchUi.showToast("Lost GPS",null);
var b ;
var a =0;
The both WatchUI function will cause the following error
Error: Permission Required Details: Module 'Toybox.WatchUi' not available to 'Background'
Error: Permission Required Details: Module 'Toybox.WatchUi' not available to 'Background'
I know it must be that the WatchUI related functions are not surpported in background service. So, how can I display the message from the phone ?
The other similar question is : How to implement the notifincaton function in the watch ? You know if the wathc receives a message from the connectIQ
The other similar question is : How to implement the notifincaton function in the watch ? You know if the wathc receives a message from the connectIQ
it will be displayed ASAP.
Thanks a lot in advance.