Step goal setting. To have an adjustment increase by number of steps and or percentage.

Is it possible to have an app that would automatically increase your steps? To have the ability to increase by number of steps per day or week and or a percentage increase. This way you have an incentive to make your goals more of a linear achievement. I don't like the auto increase since it can jump way ahead past what you were wanting to do. Therefore, breaking your goal streak when you fail.

Has an app been made that does that?

  • I don't think there's an api for setting the goals in the SDK

  • I also think the auto increase is so crazy it's useless... It should be WAY more gradual, and maybe change every week instead of every day. I think we should also be able to set a step goal to reach for like 5 or 6 days per week, or weekly step goal. I'm most likely going to have a rest day during the week, so right now I have no choice but to set the daily goal lower...

  • While I agree on what you wrote, this is more or less also my pattern. However the step goal is kind of a gimmick. If you want you can set it to 10 steps and then get the badge for reaching the goal for 60 days... 

    What I think would be easier to implement is a weekly goal, that is a range: 50000-70000. If you reach it then it stays for next week. If you get more than 70000 then it is increased, if you get less than 50000 then it's decreased.

    BTW the same could also be useful for daily goal: then it wouldn't always increase (to a point where you will eventually not be able to reach it) only when you reached the upper limit of the goal.

  • Exactly, that would be a lot better!
    And I do want the badge but the whole point is to get motivated to do more steps! :P If you have to set the goal for your easiest day... That's why a weekly goal option would be great, and your range idea makes a lot of sense!