Connect IQ integration for Freestyle Libre 2 CGM

Any chance of a Connect IQ app to see data from a Freestyle Libre 2 CGM in Garmin? One has just been released for Dexcom and I know there are some other ways of getting the Libre 2 data into Garmin (i.e. patched apps etc), but having an integration with Garmin would be really helpful!

  • The BG reading from libre2 is freely broadcast via bluetooth so can be picked up by any third party that wants to develop the app. Juglucco has done this before the Libre2 even became a CGM. 

  • it is now (november 2024   with the new app.. it scans the sensor every minute en gets readings through BT !!

    Only one thing still in app is anoying , the NFT messag as I have turned that off , only need it to activate new sensor still, (turn it on when )

  • The "new" app has been in the UK for a few years now. I think some countries have only just received the app update though. The libre app doesn't display BG in notification bar though so can't transfer to watch so still need juggluco for that. 

  • I have it showing on my watch display with LibreLinkUp on phone and CGM Connect Widget on Garmin Penix 7 so it does work. it's just I 'd like to have a field in y wachtface to display it , haven't seen one yet ..but then I just started lokking an trying out.

    Not al claming CGM work , trial and error ;-)

  • Yes, its the best one what gives for Garmin and it works only with software from abbott...producer from Freestyle Libre sensor.

    Bluethooth on on watch and phone, open iq connect and write the right username and password in LibreLinkUp there. Save it and its working after 10 minutes

  • Apologies if someone has already answered this, I am new to Libre 2 and hope to use the watch whilst out surfing.
    Will the sensor link directly to the watch, or does the sensor have to link to the phone and the watch be in close proximity to the phone?

  • Apologies if someone has already answered this. But I am new to CGM and the Libre 2 and hope to use a Garmin Epix Pro Gen 2 watch whilst surfing.
    Will the sensor link directly to the watch, or does the sensor have to link to the phone and the watch be in close proximity to the phone?

  • Unfortunately, this needs a phone in the loop. Good question though!