App to transmit information from Medtronic Pump App to Garmin wearables

I  am a  type 1 diabetic.  I use a Medtronic pump and CGM (continuous glucose monitor).  Medtronic has a mobile app that transmits the data from the pump to the phone.  Currently, you can receive the notifications from the pump to the phone to your Garmin device via the notifications.  What would be really helpful to me and other people using these pumps would be a watch face that could display the glucose reading and trend  information.  This has been done in the past for the Night Scout Project setup.  

Would anyone be interested in doing this?

  • The feasibility of this depends on how "open" Medtronic is with its data.

    If the Medtronic App exposes the data via a local webservice on your phone this would be ideal because any watchface (like the ones for NightScout/xDrip/Glimp/etc) can query such a webservice via standard connectIQ methods.

    Alternatively one could try to establish direct Bluetooth communication with the pump, depending on what Medtronic allow (and have documentation for) in terms of third-party access. That would have the advantage of not needing the phone as one more thing to carry around.

    With the second one, unfortunately there are quite some severe limitations in the ConnectIQ capabilities for BTLE communication. I recently tried to connect my FR945 to my CGM (Libre/MiaMiao) and hit a roadblock when I was never returned more than the first 20 byte of any message sent from the sensor (I found device names and battery level in those first 20 bytes, but the glucose values where already cut off).

  • Help a non-programmer. How do I determine if Medtronic exposes the data via a local web service on the phone?

  • If the Nightscout project can display real-time readings from Medtronic there are Garmin apps that you can use already now. I am also a T1D but not using a pump, so I haven't any real-life experiences from Medtronic (Im on Dexcom CGM). Do you have a Nightscout environment setup already? In that case you should be able to use any of the Nightscout apps available in Garmin app store. I developed a few of them myself, but there are plenty. Setting up Nightscout can be a bit technical, but there is a lot of information on their website:       

  • I do not have a Nightscout setup.  With the new Medtronic Minimed Mobile App, the data is transmitted via bluetooth to the phone.  What I'm trying to figure out is how to get some of that data from that app into a Garmin watchface.  It should be similar to pulling data from the NIghtscout setup.  

  • I don't think Nightscout extracts the data from your phone, more likely it reads from some sort of web service on the Internet. In the case of Dexcom, it reads from Dexcom share and not directly from the dexcom app on the mobile. So that's no guarantee that there is a possibility to read data directly from the mobile app.

  • I don't know what phone you use but xdrip+ for Android is what I use for dexcom but it should support Medtronic as well based on a quick Google search.

    It took me forever to realize that there is more than just nightscout out there. Specifically xDrip+ is just an app to integrate with the CGMs available vs buying extra hardware. I think it might be a spin off of the nightscout project but has been around for at least a few years.

    My setup for a daily watchface use (there are data field options too though for activities if you take your phone with):

    Vivoactive 4 (also used to use Vivoactive 3 music)

    I use this watchface to show my CGM data:

    xDrip+ on my Android phone

    Dexcom CGM

  • Yes  of course it would be very helpfull for us as parents. We receive the data on iphone from the Medtronic - cloud. It woud be helpful to show the values on the Garmin wearable.

  • but is the blood glucose value stored on garmin connect?