Im creating a sports nutrition app, do you know if nutrition plannings could be send to Garmin as data fields? (food product names and timings are really diffeent then speed, distance, altitude, power, etc)

Im creating a sports nutrition app, do you know if nutrition plannings could be send to Garmin as data fields? (food product names and timings are really diffeent then speed, distance, altitude, power, etc)

We would like to send JSON like data from our system to the Garmin Connect IQ and create an app or data field so users are reminded of their nutrition needs. 

The issue with a 'device app' might be, this seems something you use prior to sports activity while this should be used during sports activity. Users dont want to click menu and open an app all the time and then click the normal Garmin screens for speed etc and click back to our app. Or could an app also send notifications during exercise to the regular Garmin screens people use during exercise?

With data fields I wonder if we can even add specific nutrition fields.

We focus on Edge products and smartwatches. 

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  • Integrating nutrition planning into Garmin devices through Garmin Connect IQ presents a unique challenge, especially when considering the need for real-time access and minimal interaction during physical activities. Here's an overview of what you're looking into and some potential approaches:

    1. Garmin Connect IQ SDK: First, familiarize yourself with the Garmin Connect IQ SDK, which provides the tools and documentation necessary for developing apps, widgets, data fields, and watch faces for Garmin devices. It supports sending data to Garmin devices, including custom data fields, through the creation of Connect IQ apps.

    2. Data Fields vs. Device Apps:

      • Data Fields: These are designed to display specific data types (e.g., heart rate, power, speed) during activities. While custom data fields can be created, they are typically limited to displaying data and may not support the dynamic interaction or complex structures (like nutrition plans) you're considering.
      • Device Apps: These offer more flexibility in terms of interaction and can run in the background, potentially sending notifications to users during an activity. This could be a viable approach to remind users of their nutrition needs without requiring them to navigate away from their usual data screens.
    3. Notifications During Activities: Developing a device app might allow you to send notifications or alerts based on the user's nutrition schedule directly to the device's screen during an activity. This way, users can receive timely reminders without manually checking the app.

    4. Garmin Connect Mobile API: Another aspect to consider is the Garmin Connect Mobile API, which might provide a way to sync data from your system to the user's Garmin device indirectly. However, direct access to the API for third-party developers can be limited, and specific arrangements with Garmin might be necessary.

    5. User Experience and Garmin's Guidelines: It's crucial to design the app or data field with the user experience in mind, especially considering the context of use during physical activities. Review Garmin's guidelines and best practices for app development to ensure the app is convenient and non-intrusive.

    6. Pilot Testing: Before full deployment, conduct pilot testing with a group of users to gather feedback on the app's functionality, usability, and overall experience. This can help identify any adjustments needed to improve the integration and usefulness of the nutrition planning features.

    7. Collaboration with Garmin: Considering the specific needs of your app and the potential limitations of standard data fields, reaching out to Garmin directly for guidance or potential partnership opportunities could provide valuable insights and support for your project.

    In summary, while sending complex nutrition planning data to Garmin devices poses challenges, developing a device app with the capability to send real-time notifications during activities appears to be a promising approach. It's essential to explore the technical capabilities of the Garmin Connect IQ platform, adhere to user experience best practices, and possibly engage with Garmin for support and collaboration.

    Best regards, Cyfrania Services