Recovery time widget

Another request for a widget...

Would it be possible to create a widget where the advised recovery time is shown + progress bar?

  • None of the stats shown in the My Stats menu (Recovery Advisor, VO2 Max, Race Predictor, Records, ..) are available to ConnectIQ. Without this bit of data, it is likely to be very difficult to compute it; the algorithm used is not documented and may not be easy to reverse. Theoretically the information is available on Garmin Connect and could be accessed via their REST API, but there is a $5000 fee to apply for a license to access the data.

    If the data were available directly, this would be trivial to implement. I'm guessing that the ConnectIQ team probably already has an enhancement request for access to this data. If they don't, I think they should.

  • None of the stats shown in the My Stats menu (Recovery Advisor, VO2 Max, Race Predictor, Records, ..) are available to ConnectIQ. Without this bit of data, it is likely to be very difficult to compute it; the algorithm used is not documented and may not be easy to reverse. Theoretically the information is available on Garmin Connect and could be accessed via their REST API, but there is a $5000 fee to apply for a license to access the data.

    If the data were available directly, this would be trivial to implement. I'm guessing that the ConnectIQ team probably already has an enhancement request for access to this data. If they don't, I think they should.


    It seems crazy that the recovery advisor is available, but buried deep in the menus, when it could be visible as a widget, or displayed for a few seconds when starting a new workout.

  • Recovery Widget


    i would also prefer a Recovery Widget - not hidden deep in the menu.

    also a recovery time in garmin connect would be fine!

    kr Flo:mad:
  • Agree

    Agree, it is great to have the Recovery Advisor but it should be more easily acessible, like a dedicated Widget or indication on the Watch face. ;)
  • Agree, it is great to have the Recovery Advisor but it should be more easily acessible, like a dedicated Widget or indication on the Watch face. ;)

    Any update on this? Having all the performance stats buried under the menu system of the 735xt is super annoying and cumbersome.

    Can we please have a widget with all the data?
  • Omg...still missing

    Any update to this? I'm a new user, went hunting for this and it's not there! Come on Garmin!
  • As the others I will appreciate recovery time widget :-). Suunto has it and I think it is really usable thing. Thanks in advance!
  • Still nothing! Crazy. This is such an obvious miss.