Join us at the Garmin Developer Virtual Conference

It’s almost that time of year again — the Garmin Developer Virtual Conference is back on October 12. The event kicks off with our State of the Union keynote session, where you can learn all about the latest updates and features for Connect IQTm, the Garmin ConnectTm Developer Program and ANT wireless. Register now to sign up.

After the State of the Union, we’ll be hosting breakout sessions with live Q&As for a deeper dive into your favorite topics, and offer you an opportunity to speak directly to the people behind the Garmin developer programs. 

We are offering three sets of breakouts and a workshop.:

The Intro Track breakouts are intended for people who are new to the developer programs offered by Garmin:

Breakout Description
ANT Technology: Connecting Your Wireless Sensors Into the Garmin Ecosystem Explore the basics about ANT while discovering how ANT+ works. Find out how ANT and Connect IQ can help connect your wireless sensors into the Garmin ecosystem.
Connect IQ: Introduction to Creating On-Device Experiences Learn about Garmin's Connect IQ app system and how to create apps and watch faces for Garmin devices.
Garmin Connect Developer Program: Introduction to API integration Developers will be introduced to the Garmin Connect Developer Program and learn how to get started with the different API Integrations that this developer program offers.

The Connect IQ track is a technical track intended for Connect IQ developers:

Breakout Description
Connect IQ: Optimum Monkey C Take a deep dive into the new multi-pass optimizing compiler and explore the ease of use and flexibility that this language can offer. Developers will want to have a basic understanding of Monkey C prior to attending. 
Connect IQ: Complications That Aren't Complicated Users love having their information integrated into watch faces as complications. Discover best practices for integrating information into complications on Connect IQ watch faces.

Connect IQ: Adding A Touch of Personality to User Experience

Garmin products each have a distinct product personality that manifests in the typography and graphic elements. Supporting a product's personality in your app can make it feel more natural for the customer. Uncover the benefits of customizing your Connect IQ apps and watch faces to individual Garmin products while learning how to take advantage of the unique personalities of Garmin devices.

The Business Track offers sessions to learn more about partnering with Garmin:

Breakout Description

Garmin Developer Programs for Business: Tools and Resources for Attribution and Branding

Learn how to utilize our developer programs by using the tools and resources available to support attribution branding on-device. Discover out how your organization can create purposeful builds using the Garmin Connect Developer Program and Connect IQ to place your brand in-front of Garmin users.  Look at the framework, review tips and tricks and explore how your brand can go the distance using our developer platforms. 

Garmin Ready: Promote ANT+ LEV Ebike Communication with Us

Venture into a world of new possibilities. Our breakouts allow developers to take an in-depth look at the latest updates and features announced earlier while offering developers a chance to engage in Q&A.

Finally, this year we are partnering with Nordic Semiconductor to offer ANT workshop: ANT Technology: Nordic Semiconductor Workshop on the nRF Connect SDK and nRF53. Get started with the nRF Connect SDK and ANT! Learn about the products Nordic Semiconductor offers and get an inside look at how to migrate from the nRF5 SDK to nRF Connect SDK. Session is two 1-hour sessions hosted by Nordic Semiconductor followed by live Q&A with the Nordic Semiconductor and ANT Wireless teams at the end of each hour.  

You can see we have an exciting set of sessions to participate in. Register today for the breakouts you are interested in, and we will see you on October 12th!