Hello Developers and Users,


As many of you know by now, there were some changes that made their way into the Garmin Connect App on iOS that have caused a break in app settings. We were made aware of this issue and reported it immediately. Despite our best efforts to get the necessary changes made before the launch of 4.22, the bug continues to persist. For that, we are sorry. We understand that, not only does that break functionality for a specific set of our common users, it also generates quite a bit of email traffic for you as well.


We've done two things here to help mitigate this:


First, this forum post acknowledging and addressing the issue through an official Garmin source.


Second, we've communicated with our product support teams that this app settings issue on iOS is not an issue that can be addressed by you, our external developer community. In such, they have been instructed to advise customer complaints to utilize the Connect IQ Store App for iOS for settings changes and that there is no need to contact you, the developer, as this is an issue on the Garmin side of things. Users may need to uninstall and reinstall their affected CIQ content before using the Connect IQ Store App in order to remove a corrupted settings file. Our Product Support agents know to communicate this as well.


Our goal is to have this issue resolved within 1 release cycle or sooner. We can't guarantee a fix before the next normal release, but we will continue to push for greater priority.

Thank you for you patience and understanding,

-The Connect IQ Team