GPSmap 62s does not start up any more

Dear all,

During a trip, I had my GPSmap 62s tracking the route as always. It seemed to be working fine, and I switched it off when I returned home. When I tried to turn it on again, I saw the message "Loading waypounts, tracks and routes..." and then the screen faded to a blank screen. Changing batteries to fresh ones does not help. This also happens when I try to connect it to my computer with a USB cable. Does anybody have an idea what I can do?

Thanks in advance!

  • My device GPSmap 62s did not start. It got switched off (display faded off) during start up period when progress bar of loading waypoints, routes was very short. One reset was not enough. The device did not start the same way like before after first master reset made. Luckily, the device has started fine after second trial of master reset. Reason of not starting was: the Garmin\GarminDevice.xml file has 0 bytes of length. My suspection: the damage of the file Garmin\GarminDevice.xml could happen that I hurried up when disconecting the device from desktop. Windows antivirus SW was analyzing content of the device connected as USB mass storage while I ask to release the mass storage. But I was not patient enough. I did not wait for response of Windows 10 and I disconnected the cable too early.