Hallo, eine Frage zum GPSmap 64s:
Weiss jemend, wonach die aufgezeichneten Tracks sortiert sind, bzw. wie man die Tracks umsortieren kann?
Vielen Dank, Andreas
Hallo, eine Frage zum GPSmap 64s:
Weiss jemend, wonach die aufgezeichneten Tracks sortiert sind, bzw. wie man die Tracks umsortieren kann?
Vielen Dank, Andreas
Recorded tracks are probably sorted according to their track names i.e. the name between the <name>2021-02-12 16:34:59</name> tags in the GPX file. Irrespective of the GPS filename e.g. "niceroute,gpx", the name of this GPX track is "2021-02-12 16:34:59".
You should therefore be able to reorder them by editing the track names in a text editor or Garmin BaseCamp or another third party GPX management app.
My suggestion is to export all the recorded tracks from your 64s into a list folder in BaseCamp and delete them from the device Internal Storage folder.
Right click on each track in turn and Duplicate it - 001 will be added at the end of the track name. This will preserve the original track as a backup and give you the - 001 tracks as working copies. Edit the - 001 track names in turn - I often just start them with 01 then 02 etc .
Basecamp will sort them in the folder as you rename them (and remove the redundant - 001). When finished, export the renamed tracks back to your 64s and look at them in the Saved Tracks folder. Hopefully they will be displayed in the same order as in BaseCamp.
If you don't use BaseCamp, then I suggest you use a third party GPX editor such "GPX Editor" or the JaVaWa RTW tool. Backup the GPX files before you edit their names just in case!
Hi Eyelet99,
thank you so much, this requires a lot of action - but it may be the only way...