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Golf App versions that work, logbook

Hi all,

as I can read on the forum (e.g. here), other users are also frustrated with never knowing what a new update brings, sometimes breaking features that have worked. There are reported issues with memory leakage of the app (e.g. here) and not responding apps (e.g. here, and here).

Anyhow we know the story. I recently went to my range just to find that the latest update (2.12.3) completely broke my setup and I was not able to record any shot. Only a complete removal of the app and the bluetooth connection settings as well as a new install and pairing (that was three hours I could have practiced golf) made it work with the result that the app always told me

"Golf app not responding", "Wait", "close", "send feedback".

That window is now there all the time and I can't use the app (and the R10) on the range. So I had to roll back to 2.11.3 to make it work again. Also with a complete de-install, re-install, bluetooth de-pairing, re-pairing routine. I also have checked if that app uses too much memory, but it does not, so it is most likely a bug in the software when the unity 3D landscape is used.

This mess gave me the idea to start a topic where people can log when an app version is working and when it got broken.

So I can report as of today:

Nokia G50, Android 13: Golf App version 2.11.3 works, versions 2.12, 2.12.1, 2.12.2, 2.12,3 not working due to not responding error.

Maybe you all want to join in and maybe  can join in as well and do the least of customer service and release a version history (A PROPER ONE!!!) so that we can keep track of what happens. This is interesting for us users (see here) and its outrageous that there is only the same old generic "whats new" text in the app store.

Thank you.

  • Since we do not offer a backdate option to our apps, the most relevant solution is to be on the most current version of the Garmin Golf application, which for AndroidOS is 2.12.4...and for iOS is version 2.12.1. 

    I think that it is perfectly acceptable for our users in the forums to post the version of software for our apps they visually see installed on their phone while discussing an issue in the threads.

    It is important to keep in mind that the version showing in directly in the app is the version installed but may not be the most current version available. Searching the Garmin Golf app in either the Google Play Store, or the iOS app store is crucial in determining if a newer version of the Golf app is available, which would need to be installed if not up to date. 

    We do not advise our users to refrain from installing an update based on a forums discussion with other users posting perceived issues through the threads. It is best to contact our support team to discuss the concern, as Garmin Golf support will direct you as to the best solution going forward for any issues that are still in the process of getting resolved on our end. 

  • GSPro is not a supported platform Garmin offers for the Approach R10. So promotion through links and instructions on using the R10 through the Garmin Forums website does not follow the terms of use for the forums site. 

    Anything GSPro related in offering external links would need to be discussed or offered outside of the Garmin forums. 

    If at some point, GSPro becomes a platform that is supported with Garmin products, there would no longer be a conflict with terms of use. 

    Hopefully you have expressed to GSPro your interest in officially supported Approach R10 compatibility as enthusiastically as you have been through the Garmin forums. 

    Garmin has been in the process of looking further into customer interest regarding GSPro use from our users requesting Garmin support for...which is something that requires not only Garmin...but agreements between the other platform as well. 

  • We do not advise our users to refrain from installing an update based on a forums discussion with other users posting perceived issues through the threads. It is best to contact our support team to discuss the concern, as Garmin Golf support will direct you as to the best solution going forward for any issues that are still in the process of getting resolved on our end. 

    Again, thank you for your reply. I see from your reply that you do not want us to keep track of versions which work for us on the Garmin provided forum, which is of course once again your right. So I will not keep updating this thread.

    Regarding your advice to contact Garmin's support team to resolve an issue, I have the following story to share.

    I have contacted the Garmin Golf app support team under [email protected] in the beginning of October of 2022 with an issue and to this day did not get any reply, not via email, nor here at the forum:

    So that is that.

    As this thread is now completely sidetracked to other perceived issues not at all related to my concerns and my initial question I'll leave the discussion.

    Thank you