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Golf App versions that work, logbook

Hi all,

as I can read on the forum (e.g. here), other users are also frustrated with never knowing what a new update brings, sometimes breaking features that have worked. There are reported issues with memory leakage of the app (e.g. here) and not responding apps (e.g. here, and here).

Anyhow we know the story. I recently went to my range just to find that the latest update (2.12.3) completely broke my setup and I was not able to record any shot. Only a complete removal of the app and the bluetooth connection settings as well as a new install and pairing (that was three hours I could have practiced golf) made it work with the result that the app always told me

"Golf app not responding", "Wait", "close", "send feedback".

That window is now there all the time and I can't use the app (and the R10) on the range. So I had to roll back to 2.11.3 to make it work again. Also with a complete de-install, re-install, bluetooth de-pairing, re-pairing routine. I also have checked if that app uses too much memory, but it does not, so it is most likely a bug in the software when the unity 3D landscape is used.

This mess gave me the idea to start a topic where people can log when an app version is working and when it got broken.

So I can report as of today:

Nokia G50, Android 13: Golf App version 2.11.3 works, versions 2.12, 2.12.1, 2.12.2, 2.12,3 not working due to not responding error.

Maybe you all want to join in and maybe  can join in as well and do the least of customer service and release a version history (A PROPER ONE!!!) so that we can keep track of what happens. This is interesting for us users (see here) and its outrageous that there is only the same old generic "whats new" text in the app store.

Thank you.

  • Updated May 8, 2023: Garmin Golf app version 2.12.4 now available. 

    I recommend completely removing the APK unauthorized backdated version of the app you mentioned installing, with a full removal from storage, and then power cycle the Android device, and reboot so the changes to storage reflect adequately...then reinstall to get the new 2.12.4 update for GGA for AndroidOS  which should sort out any crashes, or issues you were previously experiencing. 

    As you're probably aware, Garmin does not recommend our users to backdate to a previous version for any Garmin a matter of safety, as we do not offer credible backdate options for any of our apps. 

  • So why is it not possible for Garmin to do these simple tasks?

    1. Inform on a sticky thread when new releses are provided, and the reason for new releases.

    2. Provide access to older versions of the app Yourself, so people actually can revert to a previous release.

    You are now releasing a new version of the app almost weekly introducing new bugs in every one of them, more or less making them useless.

    If You can't understand why users then want to revert to a previous working release, You have a major problem in Your mindset, and this is not the users fault.

    The R10 firmware does not change, so these issues are 100% in the Garmin Golf App, and release after release comes with new issues. And the answer is not to revert to a working version but to wait for a fix?

  • Thanks  for the fast reply.I have installed version 2.12.4 from the play store directly and this version works very well. Huge improvement over previous versions with respect to stability and performance.

    However, I fully agree with , even though the latest version solves the current issues at hand, we do have a larger, more general issue we face.

    First off, I can confirm, version 2.12.4 does work again! I just hit a few balls into my net at home and if works. There are major (!!) improvements with respect to stability and performance. The golf sim part (virtual driving range and such) has never worked so smooth and responsive for me, so some things must have changed under the hood. Which ones we do not know.

    Which brings us to the main problem. After what I have just experienced (the updates 2.12, 2.12.1 through to 2.12.3 stopped me from using the R10 for a couple of weeks). Now after the latest update I de-activated the auto-update for Garmin Golf. Today I will test the app at the range and if it performs well and does all I want, then I see NO reason to update the app. Especially not knowing what comes next.

    Regarding the comment of  on reverting to a older version I just want to say this. Well Garmin leaves us no choice. When app updates continuously break the core functionality of the app (The R10 was useless) we can only roll back to an older version. For me I have a clear understanding of possible security issues, but I understand the safety concerns of Cody. Everybody is responsible on their own for what apps they install from where.

    Going forward I have the following suggestions in addition to what  suggests:

    1. Make use of the Google beta testers program!!! Then adventurous people can sign up for beta testing and you see ahead of time if your latest improvement breaks the app or not.
    2. Really do start publishing a change log!!! This has been said many times before but I repeat it because it is so important.
    3. Stop breaking a working app, test more before you release a new version. For me it happened several times now since I own the R10 and this is not useful for the customer.

    You see Garmin, point #3 is really the issue. What I am left with is that I could not train Golf with recording my stats for several weeks, just to end up with an app where I am not sure what changed and why. The latest version 2.12.4 is indeed better so I congratulate Garmin on that. But what did versions 2.12.1 2.12.2 and 2.12.3 do in the meantime. Could you not have tested everything better and just released 2.12.4 now, basically going from a functional app to a better functional app?

  • Can't agree more..

    I mostly use my tablet, and luckily updates there don't come automatically.

    But I have to use mirror sites in order to get the app, so no options there from Garmin.

    And I don't upgrade until I see that there are no complaints on the newer version.

    Result: an app that is working all the time , and if it doesen't I revert to one that is.

  • ,

    I do not agree that the question has been answered, that is why I have rejected your answer suggestion. If you look at the initial post and the following thread we (at least  and myself) have at least asked for:

    1. A proper version history of what changes between versions so that we can make an informed decision if we want to update to a new version.
    2. Garmin providing access to older versions, as current updates often break the core functionality of the Golf app.

    And I have to say, non of that has been answered or done yet.

    Of course Garmin can choose to ignore these requests, but this renders the post unanswered.

    Checked version 2.12.4 yesterday at the range and can confirm that it works also on a long session very well. Definitely a version to archive as a working one, at least with respect to the virtual driving range part.

  • Since I don't always agree with Garmin-xxx, I have apparently now been considered as abusive.

    So not sure I will bother to post anything more in this forum.

    Moderator: , this was due to erroneously flagging a post with a link to an apk site. I've approved all posts that were in the moderator's queue. 

  • The software on the R10 is not related to the recent concerns address in the latest update for the Android version of the Garmin Golf app (v. 2.12.4). 

    Our devices in the beta program for outdoor wearable products have a detailed outline of the changes for the developmental software leading to the public versions of software for those products specifically, here within the forums. 

    We do not offer a public beta program for the R10, nor for the Garmin Golf app. 

    The change log listed for updates to the Garmin Golf app, along with the Garmin Connect mobile app, and other Garmin apps offered for iOS and AndroidOS do not outline every single change we this is commonplace for the update description outlined on the download page for many app developers. 

  • Thanks for the fast reply. This clearly summarizes your position to our questions. As I agree that this answers our initial requests, I have marked your reply as an answer.

    I am sure you and Garmin do/does not mind that we keep posting to this thread version numbers that work for us users and version numbers which break functionality. Especially as you state that Garmin does not intend to

    outline every single change we made

    which is of course your right to choose.

    However, I am certain you and Garmin do/does understand that it is important to us users to have a functional system (App and R10) every time we go practicing golf. Thus we are interested in keeping track of versions which work as intended for the product we bought from Garmin.

  • This is not the case. Our terms of service prohibits users from providing links to external sites, especially links that instruct other customers to use our products in a manner that is not support by Garmin. 

    I reached out to you privately via direct message kindly asking that you discontinue providing external links that violate the terms of use policy in the forums. 

  • Some comments:

    The links we referred to is Garmin Golf App. It's not software not supported by Garmin, it is Your own product. The only reason we as users have to use other sites is because You don't offer this service Yourself. All of us would be very happy if You gave access to earlier (and new) releases on Garmin web site. Then we would not have to be worried about downloading and installing tampered versions.

    Another external link that is "banned" is a useful program developed by a forum user. This program only uses the exported files Your golf app provides. How can a program using an exported file not be considered as supported? If I want to use this file in Excel, do I need Your permission to do so, or is Excel not considered as supported reading text files?

    The 3'rd "banned" link is for R10 use with GS Pro. This I can actually understand as this sw communicates with the unit, and I see the possibility, although unlikely, that it can cause issues. Not sure if there is a possibility to break the unit remotely, if yes, for sure valid reason. But pls get official support for GS Pro as I know many use it together with R10, and I definately consider it myself. Will see who comes first, Garmin or Rapsodo.