How to change topo map elevation contours from feet to meters


A fresh thread on the matter ongoing for 5 years, the topo map contours in the Explore App on the smartphone can show meters, why is that not possible on the web interface after turning the measurement units to meters ?

Is there a solution now that has not been sent to the public ?


  • Garmin finally seems to have fixed this.

  • I still see the maps with the contour lines expressed in feet...

  • I got an iOS app update today, and it is showing in metres

  • Ugh. The web version is the same

  • It's incredible that this cant be solved.
    In android we see it right, so it's just a matter of Garmin that doesn't want to fix it for web.

    Metric system is the most used worldwide, but still Garmin prefers to put maps without it?

    Instead of making a buggy app, why don't you partner with Gaia or any other good app and make a really great app for your customers?

    My solution: I do everything in Gaia, export gpx, import it in Explore and sync with watch. It's the only reason I use this app because of the limitations I found in it.

  • Hello,

    It is very annoying to have topomaps showing contours in feet and not in meters. We are not discussing about the possibilities of knowing the meters or doing the math ... if I understand the users request, which I'm fully in, the map in the web interface should have a configuration option to let users choose the default metrics system plotted in the map (miles/feet, km/m, etc). I dislike a lot to see all the contours in feet... actually, the webinterface is quite crap, I wish garmin decides to devote more resources to update it. I know many users use the phone app, which seems to be more functional, but to explore and prepare routes while you are searching information in other browser tabs etc. the web interface on a big screen is essential! I would love garmin improves the web interface a lot... but I'm not sure if that is going to happen. The answer from the garmin support representative in this post are quite arrogant telling users how to read maps... amazing. This is a bug/limitation of the web interface, and the users just want it to be fixed because is not that difficult and because most of the world uses the ISO international metric system. Period.

  • totally agree. Seeing the map in feet is unfortunate.