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Create a new custom training plan?

I'd like to be able to create my own training plan instead of using one in the existing library. I can't find any mention of being able to do this...either in the web UI(no "create new training plan" feature), or in GTC, or by uploading some text version of a training plan. Have I just not found the right solution, or does this functionality simply not exist yet?

Right now I'm manually creating the individual workouts and adding them to the calendar, but this solution can't take advantage of modifying them as a group(shifting the entire schedule) or visually grouping them together(they look just like other workouts in the calendar view). Would be nice to be able to share the entire plan with the community as well.
  • Amateurish... at best. Downright stupid... at worst.

    we should ALL request for the ability to create a training plan at Garmin
    it is ridiculous that we spend thousands of $ in Garmin products and we cant even create, export ad import such a fundamental task in any athletes' routine.

    The Workaround is "OK" if you happen to find one that is as long as you need it to be....but it is just not right that we can't create our own.

    I can't agree more. This feature should be considered as nothing more than a basic feature, an absolute MUST HAVE feature. The only word that comes to mind to describe Garmin's lack of the feature, and lack of reaction to the requests, is 'amateurish'. As circumstantial as the evidence is, it seems pretty clear that none of the website's designers, or the top brass at Garmin, have the foggiest idea about what runners need and want.

    I've liked both Garmin watches I've owned, but the same cannot be said for Garmin Connect's functionality. Some feature are good, but the lack of this feature is just plain silly. When my Forerunner 610 dies, I will have to seriously weigh the pros and cons of switching to a different brand.
  • Sounds like a no-brainer to me too.

    I suppose in the interim they could allow the prepackaged plans to sync across to the watches properly.

    But that's clearly just as unreasonable
  • no resolution?

    still nothing from Garmin? lot of request to have such a feature and they ignore it?
  • lot of request to have such a feature and they ignore it?
    If you want to make a request, then use the proper channel for it, and not just raise it here for open discussion among users unofficially.
  • "Idea submission form" submitted.
    I've used it before and have never heard from them or seen my ideas implemented. So it feels like it goes into a black hole just to make you feel better.
    So much for my "powerful almighty Garmin Fenix 3 HR". I still have to result to a diary for a custom training plan.

    With Garmin Connect, users should be able to build their own training plans! Even if this is something done through API so third party providers can build tools to do this. Custom Training Plans are a necessity - whether your a pro athlete and need something to reach your goals or a beginner prone to injuries. One size fit all "advanced" / "intermediate" and "beginner" training plans are not sufficient! I am shocked to find that after many years of user requests, this isn't yet available from Garmin, the supposed leader in the field?
  • Well guys you cannot import trainingplans to connect but if you download the old garmin training center then it is possible to import the plans from third party softwares :)

    talking about custom training plan i really dont understand your problems as this is possible in garmin connect ??
    just create the workouts you need and then add them to the calendar,nice and simple but takes some time to create but hey did you think the trainingplans came fro nowhere ? there is people putting lots of time into these things
  • Problem with doing what you say is that you don't have a training plan you have a series of unconnected workouts

    With a training plan you can reschedule the whole thing

    Also if you take the training plans that used to be available on the runners world site you could put in parameters like race date and training paces and it would then calculate out the plan for you with the boundaries set for all the workouts
  • Problem with doing what you say is that you don't have a training plan you have a series of unconnected workouts

    With a training plan you can reschedule the whole thing

    Also if you take the training plans that used to be available on the runners world site you could put in parameters like race date and training paces and it would then calculate out the plan for you with the boundaries set for all the workouts

    then just use the old garmin training center and import any third party TCX trainingplan and send to your watch
    i have a feeling garmin will come with some kind of a joint venture with a training plan software because there is getting fewer and fewer plans in connect
  • some hope :)

    hello everyone,
    as a runner, I have been facing the same struggle as most of the athletes in this thread, I came up with an idea to build an robust and simple service for training plans, without digging deep into advanced analytics, plain and simple, main features will be as follow:
    - Create/modify custom training plan
    - Plans store - Browse FREE training plans (VO2, Heart rate or distance base)
    - Track equipment (shoes, bike..etc)
    - Share training plan for free (public and private)
    - Import from CSV or Excel (using custom CSV/XLS template)
    - Workout presets, i.e. Hills, Intervals, recovery ..etc
    - Re-use/re-schedule training plans as units not individual workouts

    Tell me what do you think, I need your support for this one :)
  • Well guys you cannot import trainingplans to connect but if you download the old garmin training center then it is possible to import the plans from third party softwares :)

    talking about custom training plan i really dont understand your problems as this is possible in garmin connect ??
    just create the workouts you need and then add them to the calendar,nice and simple but takes some time to create but hey did you think the trainingplans came fro nowhere ? there is people putting lots of time into these things

    GC has its limits. There is no effective way to create a weightlifting routine. I'm still having to use my MS Band 2 and my logbook. At least in my Microsoft Health Dashboard I can create my exercises and sync it to my Band 2. I can create the different exercises I want to cover, reps or time, sets, warm up, cool down, etc.