Help Fixing a Corrupt .FIT File

Hello! Went out for a nice run this morning, my Forerunner 35 seemed to work the entire time and I saved my activity as usual when finished. My watch is showing the run (though the mile/lap data is missing) but it will not upload to Garmin Connect and I cannot manually import it either (Garmin says "it was not accepted").

Could somebody point me in the right direction to fix the file? Tried the online fit file repair tool and kept getting error messages. Thanks!!!!

Here is a link to the file: [solved]

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  • I just don't know how to upload the file to this forum?

    You can zip the file and insert as an attachment
    Or you can use a file sharing service, like OneDrive, Google drive, or DropBox and post a link to it here.
    Or you can send me a private message and we can do it that way. Hover your mouse pointer over my name, then select "Send Private Message."

  • Awesome, sending the link here via WeTransfe - [solved]

  • Try this - [solved]

    Fixed using Fit File Repair Tool -

  • Thank you, it works, but just wondering if it's possible to crop out just a bad kilometer? Before it was 43.29 and now it's 42.15, so not hitting the 42.195 distance...not problem if not possible

    It looks like some splits are not 0.99 instead of 1.0 and that might be why it's a shorter distance.

  • The accelerometer on your watch skipped a km. It went from 19.99 to 21km. So I made it match the GPS that was recorded by your watch.

  • Got it, thank you so much for your help!

  • Is there any way to repair a file if it shows as 0kb when looking at it in Windows Explorer?  I did two hikes last week that didn't sync and when I tried to import them manually the files look to be empty.  When I look at the history in my watch it does show the hike with the distance, but there are no underlying details if I click into it.  Are they lost?

  • That typically means there is no data and the device will only display a summary. There is a remote chance the data got deleted, so you could try to recover it using 3rd party tools, as mentioned in this thread -

    If there is anything, it is unlikely it would be completely recoverable. Is there a story behind what happened? Which Garmin do you have?

  • I have a Garmin 45s that I've had for just over a year.  This is the first time anything like this has happened.  I was participating in a fitness challenge of the month of October, so I had recorded more activities than usual, but when looking in windows explorer it certainly appeared like I still have lots of space on the watch.  I'm not sure what happened that particular day - I had done a large hike in the morning which synced without issue, and then did two more hikes in the afternoon and didn't notice until the next morning that they didn't sync.  No activities have been able to sync automatically since then, but all other activities have synced if I plug my phone into my laptop....  I'm guessing that means those two files are corrupt.  I wouldn't care as much, but we were traveling and the one hike in particular was really interesting and I was hoping to see the stats on the altitude gained etc.  

    I did download the FitFileRepair tool to try and fix it, but it just says that the file is empty when I try to import it. 

    EDIT to add that my watch does sync my steps and heartrate still, but not my activities, sleep, body battery etc until it is plugged into the laptop.  

  • I would backup the \GARMIN\Activity folder to your computer, then delete all activities off the watch as described here -

    Go to the option "Deleting Activity .FIT Files Using a Computer."

    Also see if there is anything in the TempFIT folder. Sometimes activities will get placed there

    That should at least make future activities able to sync as well as giving you a backup in case something can be found/recovered.