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ZWIFT Rides No Longer Count Towards Challenges?

I was half way to completing the 2021 "January Ride to 200" challenge with ZWIFT rides and now my progress says zero.
My ZWIFT rides have always counted in the past challenges... is this something new??

  • When I run on Zwift I have to use “Virtual Run” on my Fenix to get the foot pod bridged to my tablet. So I get similar, but not quite the same data for the run in connect. 

  • Connect will still import Zwift rides, but won’t count towards any cycling badges if you care for them. 

  • Well, I HAVE cared for them.  Whether or not I continue to care for them remains to be seen.

  • I have the most expensive Garmin device I have ever purchased, the Neo Bike Smart, and they do this?! Very disappointing Garmin.

  • I have the most expensive Garmin device I have ever purchased, the Neo Bike Smart

    Well, I am not familiar with Neo Bike Smart, but if you added it to your Garmin Connect account, and log the rides with it, then there should be no problem. It is the import/sync from 3rd parties like Zwift that does not count towards Garmin challenges, but activities recorded by Garmin devices (including Tacx) should be all right.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 3 years ago in reply to trux

    Well in Finland I have a min of 30 cm snow , how on earth does garmin want me to ride a bike outside and complete the challenges which to be honest are a bit motivate for me ?

    and apart from this loosing badges of distances and altitude because they were accuired through zwift with no heads up that’s even worse for me.

  • I tried editing my Zwift activity to indoor cycling to get the indoor 20 mile ride badge and it doesn't work.  So knowing that Zwift is being de-platformed by Garmin, I will stop advertising for Garmin and change my Zwift jersey to something other than "Garmin".  I was proud to Zwift with my Garmin jersey because I loved the connectivity between the 2 services.  Not anymore.. so frustrating.

  • Zwift is being de-platformed by Garmin

    Zwift is definitely not being "de-platformed" from GC. The activities are still synced and included in GC. The distance from 3rd parties was never intended to count towards Garmin badges and it was always clearly stated in the conditions, just Zwift used a hole in the system to bypass the limitation, and that hole is now plugged. You can still get the Zwift activities counted for badges, if you register the activity concurrently also with your Garmin device.

  • I haven't got it to work still.  I have done the indoor 10 mile &indoor 20 mile all in zwift and it has never delivered a indoor cycling badge even though Garmin did show the Zwift activity.  So I tried changing my Zwift activity to an indoor activity and left it that way overnight to see if it delivered a badge in the morning and it still didn't give me credit.  It appears I'm not the only one with this issue so I hope Garmin corrects.  I would also like to see 50mile 100 mile indoor badges along with 1000 ft climbs etc.

  • I noticed my challenges all zeroed out and came here to see what was up.  Just read through all this, and my two cents is that Garmin is incredibly short-sighted.  Yeah, it's their app and they can make whatever rules they want.  But it's also my money and I can spend it on whatever devices I want.  So far I'm only in for the cost of an Edge 130, and my experience with them so far has been the ransomware debacle and now this silliness.  I have been jonesing for one of their watches to replace my aging Fitbit Blaze, but I'm pretty sure I'm now instead going to contemplate replacing the Edge and just saying goodbye.  I like the connect app quite a bit, but I just don't want to get in deeper with them and set myself up for more disappointment/headaches (although I guess we will see what happens with Google's recent acquisition of Fitbit).

    I just ran all my January and February rides through the website someone mentioned earlier and changed the device to Edge 130.  Now my challenges are all populated.  I suppose I'll turn off the autosync from Zwift to avoid having to delete them going forward.  One note if you go this route - if you have Garmin syncing to Strava you'll duplicate them on Strava and have to remove the duplicates there (guess how I know this).