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ZWIFT Rides No Longer Count Towards Challenges?

I was half way to completing the 2021 "January Ride to 200" challenge with ZWIFT rides and now my progress says zero.
My ZWIFT rides have always counted in the past challenges... is this something new??

  • That's ridiculous! What Garmin want me to do? I leaving in CH, I have 30-40 cm snow today and close due pandemic situation, do they really want me to go about with my road bike?? 

  • You can connect your trainer or sensors on the bike to your Garmin watch or bike computer and register your ride. No need to bike outdoors.

  • Unfortunate decision from Garmin, it doesn't make sense to do their badges or challenges anymore because:

    - You want to record with Zwift and import it to Garmin, you will get more details and more accurate length

    - You cannot record with Garmin at the same time because it will mess up your cycling totals

    Best solution is to manually manipulate Zwift record to look like a Garmin record, but that is time consuming and probably blocked later

  • How can Zwift give a more accurate length than the trainer or Speed Sensor? It is the other way around.

    Disconnect Zwift from Garmin and you will get correct totals. 

  • Disconnect Zwift from Garmin and you will get correct totals. 

    ... and if for some reason you want to keep both activities (the one recorded by the Garmin device, and the one from Zwift), then just set the distance to zero at the Zwift activity, and to the true distance at the activity recorded by the device, and the totals will be accurate.

  • Of course the trainer gives quite accurate readings, but Garmin doesn't know which surface I'm driving on. Might be more accurate on flats, but that is rarely the case.

    I think the whole idea of Zwift is simulating a real drive and I rather have my Zwift and Garmin data synced than collect badges/challenges.

  • Same issue with Rouvy software. I must use my Edge to record session and import it in Garmin. To be clear, after challenge is complete I delete Edge activities to preserve Rouvy activities on GC

  • The surface is always the same. The bike is on the trainer.

    I have no idea why Garmin got this limitation but it has been like this since they launched the challenge badges in June last year so I'm more surprised that it worked before than it stopped working now.

  • The badges are just for motivation, right?

    Why does not Garmin want their users to be motivated? Who really cares how the training has been recorded?

    I think this is just a way of Garmin to push their own products but for me it pushes them away... I got The Tacx Neo 2T and a yearly subscription of the Tacx app. I got a Fenix and a Edge... and lots of straps... so you could say I’m an Garmin fan...

    All training data you use in GC should be taken care of in the same way... I’ve always tracked my VO2max and my training status and after I started using Zwift for winter training I lost all my stats... even if the data ain’t perfect they are better treating me as a lazy ***...

    So Garmin, work with your users, NOT against them...

  • Hi, I had been making great progress in the January Stage 1 for Cycling and Running but all the progress against the challenge has disappeared. I was halfway through the cycling for example and now it says I have no progress.  The activities were all recorded on Zwift and the update then pushes to Garmin. The activity initally recorded as virtual ride so I changed that to indoor cycling to claim another badge which worked. The activities and progress were all there for two weeks or so but have now disappeared.

    Any ideas?

