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New overlay on tracks

This is new in the past couple of hours, for me at least - coloured tracks to show power, heart rate, elevation or speed. What do you think? Useful?

  • It appears that certain models produce a .FIT file that works correctly and other models produce a .FIT file that has the issues you are describing. My 820 works just fine and I have no issues with the display when panning, zooming or using the Power overlay. My 1000 is a disaster and produces the same results you are describing and absolutely NO track at all when Power is selected. Garmin seems to have very little interest in fixing this given that it was first reported over 3 weeks ago.

  • Garmin appears to have fixed the issue where scrolling, zooming, and the power overlay were not working correctly on .fit files created by some devices. The issues I was previously seeing on my Edge 1000 rides are now appearing correctly.

  • Apparently there was a change this morning to Garmin Connect Web. Some other features were impacted/removed - Category colors gone in Garmin Connect Web Calendar