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Training Status separated when using two devices

I have a FR645 and an EDGE530, one for running (with chest strap) and one for cycling (chest strap and power meter).

Physio TrueUp is enabled on both devices, so I was expecting to see my cumulative training status, taking into consideration both runing and cycling.

But no, I have two different training status, one for each device:



My FR645 is telling me that I'm in a recovery period, but of corse it's not and I'm digging hard into cycling.

The only updated data is the recovery advisor, which on my everyday FR645 shows me correctly 42 hours, which is the recovery advice calculated by my EDGE 530, even if FR645 is still saying that I'm basically doing nothing (recovery...).

This is bad, because the whole point of choosing two devices of the same brand is to share information between the two, to be able to plan my next training session.

In my opinion Training Status must be a cumulative data, not divided by device but by sport: for example if I'm able to see only my running training status on Garmin Connect, I can adjust my schedule to compesate for imbalance between two my sports, but my overall training status is always the same, I'm not "recovery" if I'm overtraining with cycling!

  • It seems that is is fixed now, at least partly...

    Today I did an indoor cycling activity using my fenix 6 pro. After that, in GCM, the training status between the fenix and my edge 830 was different. After syncing the edge 830 however, the training status was the same. 

    Also the load focus and 7-day load is exactly the same. (in the load menu  in training status). In the same menu there is also exercise load, which differs between the two devices. Not sure if this makes sense. 

    So it seems that after syncing both devices, training status is now the same. Which is good. 

  • I switched to a Fénix 6 and an Edge 530. It works perfectly !

  • Definitely not working here. Immediately after syncing both devices: Fenix 5+ reporting 7 day training load of 771. Edge 1030 reports 212. 

    And I haven’t seen any update from Garmin in the months since they promised to fix it. 

  • Same for me:
    It matches the numbers in training focus, but not training load or 7-days load. In the devices, it looks fine because of the same numbers, but in the App you still have to decide between 945 und 830. In Connect web, it seems to be broken because its laggy like s...

  • That's weird as it seems to be fixed for some but not for others. In my case the sync between my MARQ Athlete and the Edge 1030 works fine since a few weeks, everything is synced perfectly.

  • I'm seeing this issue as well. I just got a 530 and am seeing separate Training Status reports for my Fenix 5s which I use for half of my outdoor riding (indoor riding is always done with the 530)

    I'd expect to see all of the training load data in one spot - even with Physio True Up enabled on both, this isn't the case.

    Commenting here to report which devices I'm seeing it on and to track progress from Garmin on this issue.

  • Sadly Garmin don’t appear interested in engaging with its repeat customers on this issue, much less giving any progress updates. It seems they’re too busy promising the functionality that doesn’t work properly to first time customers. 

  • Since most (all newer?) devices support Physio TrueUp it doesn’t make sense to show different training statuses. One athlete should only have one status. I really hope this will be fixed soon!

  • Is there any news from garmin. I would really like to use garmin connect, but without a training status for all devices that makes no sense :-(