Garmin Connect Badges Not Being Awarded

Former Member
Former Member

Thank you for the ongoing discussion regarding the new badges. We have been following these discussions and are investigating why some badges have not been awarded as expected.

We have created this thread to track reports of badges not displaying in accounts. Please post here if you did not receive a badge as expected, and provide:

  • Badge Type
  • Link to the activity (Privacy set to Everyone)
  • Any other details (such as social media platform you shared an activity to or linked your account with)
  • Do we have permission to view your account data while investigating this issue through our Administrative Tools (Yes/No)?

If you have previously posted about a badge not being awarded, thank you for doing so and there is no need to post again about that specific badge. We are investigating each of those reports and will reach out with any new information individually. We request that posts in this thread be saved for NEW reports of badges not being awarded to aid us in tracking these appropriately.

Thank you for the continued discussion and your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

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06/19/2018: A new update has been posted here.

  • Hi, I've made 63 walking activities and I've not received the badge "Walk the Walk 3" which must be obtained with 25 walking activities.

    The report is for "all days", and it is unclear how long period it covers. The badge is only for walks after its introduction on April 28th 2020. Besides that, only activities recorded by a Garmin device count, so if you have any manually entered, or imported activities in your account, then they do not count either.

  • I don’t have the Freebie badge...

    And did you have a Garmin Connect account when the new badges were launched (April 2018)? If not, then you won't get it.

  • Hello, 

    I didn't get the breath work badge for recording a breathing activity or the frosty badge for recording an activity at below 0. I have a vivosmart 4.  

  • You are welcome to look at my account. 

  • You are welcome to look at my account

    We can't. First of all you did not post any link to your profile, and you also did not mention which activities are concerned. You will have to post links to the activities, and make them visible to "Everyone" (click the Padlock symbol on the activity page for changing its privacy settings).

    As for the frosty badge - the temperature must be below 0°C on the map of the Activity. As for the breath work badge - the activity must be recorded by a Garmin device (cannot be created manually, although it can be edited from another activity type), and it has to be of the type "Breathwork".

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago

    Hi all.

    First off, I use Apple Watch for walking activities (Edge 830 for cycling, but that's besides the point here) and I manually upload .fit to Garmin Connect. Nothing has changed on my part, I have earned many badges for walking with Apple Watch. However, all of a sudden, walking activities are not being counted in the challenges? I had some 50 miles for Stage 1 challenge, now I have 0? Also, last weekend I walked for about 10 miles, and didn't get the badge?

    So, why isn't Garmin allowing Apple Watch activities? There were no changes in general usage conditions and such.

  • First off, I use Apple Watch for walking activities (Edge 830 for cycling, but that's besides the point here) and I manually upload .fit to Garmin Connect.

    It surprises me it worked, because it was never supposed to. The Conditions for Badges and Challenges clearly tell the Activity must be recorded with a Garmin device. I though only Zwift was capable to bypass the limitation, but if you tell it previously worked with Apple Watch, then it is the same case. However, the security hole was now plugged, so you have to adhere to the conditions, and record the Activities with a Garmin device.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago in reply to trux
    It surprises me it worked

    It did, up to January 14th. Thank You for the answer.

  • Hi guys, two of my December badges didn't count, yet I finish them on time (last run ended 31/12 around 17:30). I edited and saved every activity in December to make sure they will count but it seems not:

    1st one is 80km in December:

    but when you look to my activities i ran more than 80:

    2nd is 12 days of running: