Ok but the problem is that Golf is the only activity present in the main menu. Why Golf and not Swim, Run... ?
The watch knows all the activities we practice (or not). It is completely incoherent to have…
Garmin please make golf removable
This is a genuine stain on user experience.
Of ALL the uses for a watch like a fenix 3 hr (and others of it's ilk), GOLF is the highlight.
This is peculiar at best, and downright re-donkulous as well.
IF there is to be a premier featured activity here, it should be user's choice. I think any user would agree this would be the most desirable experience in this User Interface.
I notice that people have been complaining and asking about this for years, but with no response from customer service.
For real folks... whoever put that on there should go work for FitBit. Be gone.
Golf... it just hurts me to see it and know I can do NOTHING about it.
It needs to go. That virtual real estate should belong to something more important to fitness than Golf... like, a blank space.
Who's with me on this?
Customization would be good.
Now it depends on a watch's type.
It looks like, it checks isOutdoorUser() and if true, then it displays golf.
But you can hide it using some addons/styles in web-browser: How do I remove golf from Garmin connect?.
I think it is better if they removed Quickdraw from the menu. Golf is at least something I know about and will consider doing in the future when I get older and can't run as much.
I accidently clicked on something in Garmin Express and since then Garmin believes I do some kind of boating
Some kind of customization would be really good.
Personally, I'd tell it is better seing options I do not use, than not seeing options I need. :D
This is really a non-issue, comparing to all those important things in Garmin Connect that need some fixes or complete rework, so if I were the developper, this would be at the very bottom of my TODO list.
Yes. I agree. It is a non issue. I no longer see the Quickdraw or Golf menu items. They are just as the other menu items I don't care about or use like Insights and Gear.
It is easy to remove them on the client side with something like GCOverrides or similar.
Using Local Overrides:
one option is to edit user roles (in some js file, just after those are declared in HTML page),
removing: ROLE_OUTDOOR_USER and ROLE_MARINE_USER - probably should hide Golf and Quickdraw:
f_roles = window.VIEWER_SOCIAL_PROFILE['userRoles'].filter(i=> i!=="ROLE_OUTDOOR_USER" && i!=="ROLE_MARINE_USER"); window.VIEWER_SOCIAL_PROFILE['userRoles'] = f_roles;
Or directly edit bundle.js (search for isOutdoorUser()) and make those menus always false.
This is Garmin: arrogant enough not to listen to their customers.
I had 3 email sent to them why their Venu is showing half the heart rate as their Edge 1030 with heart beat chest band? Only after 3 emails they considered answering, guess what? Referring to the a web page how to improve heart beat measuring. That doesn't help me any way further, I've read these pages a dozen times. It is not even taking me serious. More and more, I am disappointed in Garmin.