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How to remove Golf in Garmin Connect?

I don't play any golf, if possible to remove it from Garmin Connect (web and Mobile)?

  • Is there a way to remove Golf from the menu on the left?

    I don't golf and am curious why it gets it's own tabs?
  • Which menu and where? The mobile apps have been updated for the vivoactive, which does have golf.
  • Sorry, I was referring to the web version. With the addition of all the new golf items, there is now a scroll bar on the menu, it looks awful.
    For people who don't care about golf, it would be great if we could turn off all of the golf related items.
  • I don't see it on the GC website. Are you talking the main dashboard? the three horiz line icon? Again, if it was added, it's probably because of the vivoactive which could be shipping any day.
  • A pic is worth a thousand words. :)

  • Again, I don't see it (the version of the website I have is

    "Courses" in your picture is "courses" in the running sense BTW, and not for golf. You can lay out a course you want to run and download it to some devices..

    For the other stuff, it's similar to other items like "Training plans" or "Segments" that doesn't work with all devices (you really need GPS for segments, for example)

    I'm sure the golf specific stuff is for the vivoactive, but might also be useful if you golf and don't have a VA. (maybe the "scorecard" thing for example)
  • What device do you have? Is it a Garmin Approach which is intended for golfers? If so, then you may not be able to do anything about it except change devices or write to Garmin and hope they are willing to make a change to their website.
  • VR, it looks like he's using something with step tracking, as his dashboard shows steps reports, challenges, etc. Maybe he switched to vivoactive! (I don't see the golf specific stuff with a Fr15 on of the GC website)
  • dilbert04 - I feel your pain. I wonder why golf is given such prominence on the web Connect? It would be great to disable the tabs for those of us who are only ever likely to cycle or run past a golf club! And I wonder why none of the respondents to your question seem to be able to see it?
  • dilbert04 - I feel your pain. I wonder why golf is given such prominence on the web Connect? It would be great to disable the tabs for those of us who are only ever likely to cycle or run past a golf club! And I wonder why none of the respondents to your question seem to be able to see it?

    I wonder if it's because of all the devices I have. I have a vivofit, Garmin 1000 and fenix2. The fenix2 has golf capabilities.

    It seems like a simple enough configuration to be able to hide options you don't use. I have never golfed and will never golf, I'd like it removed from my screen.

    First world problems are really troubling. :)