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How to remove Golf in Garmin Connect?

I don't play any golf, if possible to remove it from Garmin Connect (web and Mobile)?

  • I see this post is 3 years old yet Golf is there. I find it aggravating because I am anti-golf because of the harm it does to the environment and how it's a "sport" for capitalistic pigs (mostly kidding). It's really weird, why can't we adjust our own web interface? The only sport I use my watch for is Cycling but there is no tab for that. 

  • It's really weird, why can't we adjust our own web interface?

    As for your own interface - you can adjust it as you want. It is enough to use the local overrides in Chrome or Edge. Unless you do it, it is not your "own" interface, but the interface of the Garmin corporation which among others sells watches to golfers, hence they do the interface for them too.

    So if you really want to get rid of Golf yourself, have a look at the how-to, in this thread:

  • Exact same issue here and just had the same thought looking at this thread. Just got the Darth Vader watch and synced, and now Golf is everywhere. WHAT!!! Did I buy a Golf watch? I think not. Also into Cycling and not into golf. Crap..... Come on Garmin. 

  • Cannot understand why Garmin a): insists of wasting so much space with golf and b) doesn't make it optional to just switch the sodding thing off.

    I get the need to maybe have it there by default for some golfers who can't handle technology but FFS, make it so that the rest of us can get rid of it .. if not in the APP then at least in the web interface


    3 years of asking  and still nada

  • I guess none of us, raising this issue understands.
    But then again, this is Garmin: arrogant and non listening.
    They don't even bother to respond to this.
    After a while you get used to it :-)

  • But then again, this is Garmin: arrogant and non listening

    How exactly is Garmin arrogant? By showing you all options on the app that the watch supports?

    Non listening? Did you ask them directly already, or just here on the user forum? 

  • I was looking for the same thing....that "activity" riding that childrens toy bothered me as well as I am sis gender and want to keep it that way .... but the golf stuff is the most ridiculous.

  • I'm honestly disgusted by the fact, that Garmin doesn't address this topic. They don't even respond to any of the many posts here. I've submitted this review in Google Play Store:

    GARMIN: REMOVE GOLF AS A MANDATORY ITEM IN THE TOP MENU! This is so unbelievably obvious. Of course you shouldn't force "golf" as a top menu item. Upgraded my 735XT to a fenix 5X Plus and this is the very first thing that stands out. I don't care for golf in any way at all. However it's a forced top menu item and as the only activity it also has its own (also forced) separate sub menu under "Activities" that you can't remove. REAL athletic activities like running and biking are in sub menus!!! These are watches aimed at real athletes doing real sports and most of us are NOT GOLFERS! I don't care for any mandatory "fishing", "computer gaming", or "bolo bat" menus either. Why do we need to tell you this??? It's mentioned several times here and people have been complaining about it for years on your forum. What is it with you, does your CEO just love golf??? While I respect some people feel otherwise, I personally can't stand golf so I don't want to see at a golf menu on my brand new expensive watch purchased for doing real athletic activities. Also, Garmin, if you want to encourage people to do sports, golf is not the smartest pick. It requires a lot of space per player and increasing the amount of golfers and golf courses is not good for the environment. It's also fairly expensive for the player and the cardiovascular benefit is much more easily obtained in a myriad of other ways.
    So please, Garmin, let the user select these things. And if golfers are such a big marked for you, that you feel like it has to be there from the start, then at least let us remove these top and sub menus via "Edit Tabs". There has been a lot of requests for this for a long time and you owe it to us to acknowledge this.

  • Although I fully second this, dont’t expect an answer or even a reply from Garmin. This has been pledged for, requested and so, and so on without any reaction what so ever. Still hope it is on their roadmap...

  • Please add an option to remove/hide the golf pannel in the Connect FE website