Note from Garmin site (
Data from Connect can transfer to Apple Health. The following is a list of what data types are sent to the Apple HealthKit…
Think about this a bit deeper and understand how much work Garmin would have to put in to read data from the myriad of 3rd parties that permit Garmin to read data from them.
One walk around is to use MyFitnessPal as the data reader for Apple Healt. MyFitnessPal reads data from Apple Health then GC read data from MyFitnessPal. Only issue is that you have to refresh the data reading from MyFitnessPal to GC everyday by opening the app.
Other solution would be to enter your weight data manually, but that's not fun.
This is a fairly old thread, but i'm wondering if there's any progress on this? I have a basic salter mi-scale which connects to apple health and i'm interested to get the data onto GC. I even tried an export / import of a csv file but that didn't work. Is the 'myfitnesspal' layer the only option?
for some reason the workaround with myfitnesspal doesn't work for me. i can see my weight imported from a withings scale in myfitnesspal but it doesn't get transfered to garmin connect. the garmin dashboard says it's connected but the weight isn't transfered
It’s disappointing that my digital scale data is there in Apple Health but Garmin failed to include this in Connect, especially when other data is utilized. How hard it is to take the data already available and display it? Considering all the other amazing things this technology can do, this update doesn’t seem that far fetched. I bet the designers lost track of what is important to users and hopefully this post can bring this issue to their attention.