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Garmin Connect not reading weight from Apple Health

I have messed with this for some time, but cannot seem to get this to work.

I have Garmin Connect installed on an iPhone 7s. I have this set to READ weight from Apple Health, where I have a Sync Solver successfully entering weight from Fitbit automatically. As seen in the attached screenshots.

However, Garmin NEVER reads these weights.

Any ideas how to get this to work?


  • It is possible.

    I weigh myself on a cheap but accurate pair of Eufy scales that sends the info to Apple Health.  That info is then pushed to MyFitnessPal.  From MyFitnessPal the info is sent to Garmin Connect.

  • One walk around is to use MyFitnessPal as the data reader for Apple Healt. MyFitnessPal reads data from Apple Health then GC read data from MyFitnessPal. Only issue is that you have to refresh the data reading from MyFitnessPal to GC everyday by opening the app.

    Other solution would be to enter your weight data manually, but that's not fun.

  • Garmin connect to automatically synchronise and read weight from Apple Health app. This is preventing me from purchasing the Fenix 6 - I’m not spending that kind of money unless this basic function is sorted.

  • This is a fairly old thread, but i'm wondering if there's any progress on this? I have a basic salter mi-scale which connects to apple health and i'm interested to get the data onto GC. I even tried an export / import of a csv file but that didn't work. Is the 'myfitnesspal' layer the only option?



  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago in reply to 8755285

    Yes, I've just got my first Garmin watch and I'm pretty happy with it on the whole. I am disappointed that Garmin won't read my weight from my Apple Health (which is updated via my smart scales). 

  • I think it is unreasonable to not allow any data to be read from Apple Health. The support is only needed for one application.

    I would really love to see the support of syncing Apple Health data to GC in the next update.

  • I will be buying a new watch soon and although it won’t be an Apple Watch (I have a great Apple Watch for everyday use but it’s rubbish for exercise!), my next sports watch will definitely need to “talk” synchronise fully with the Apple Health App.

  • for some reason the workaround with myfitnesspal doesn't work for me. i can see my weight imported from a withings scale in myfitnesspal but it doesn't get transfered to garmin connect. the garmin dashboard says it's connected but the weight isn't transfered

  • It’s disappointing that my digital scale  data is there in Apple Health but Garmin failed to include this in Connect, especially when other data is utilized.  How hard it is to take the data already available and display it?  Considering all the other amazing things this technology can do, this update doesn’t seem that far fetched.  I bet the designers lost track of what is important to users and hopefully this post can bring this issue to their attention.

  • When I had a android I originally set up scales -> Fitbit—>my fitness pal—>Garmin, worked fine.