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This is crazy that this has been here for 3+ years and is an obvious easy area for improvement - as they have added all these different categories and I can't even tell it a default for mountain biking…
I find it hard to believe that something so simple to implement and so obviously useful to riders who, for example, want to set different default bikes for mountain biking vs. road biking, isn't implemented…
Instead of moaning about that maybe post an Idea?
I have just did such one:
There is long time reported "nice to have" feature:
Simple solution would be to have added Gear selection to Activity. We can have copies of eg Run activity. Having option to chose per each copy of Run activity would simply add distance to this pair of shoes.
Then runner would simply select Run - Training or Run - Race to switch between gears.
Hope you will implement this soon.
Est-ce possible de mettre plusieurs chaussures sur même type activité et pouvoir Choisir laquelle on utilise juste avant de faire l'activité ??
It is just unbelievable that after 8 YEARS (eight years!!) Garmin has still not been able to fix something that would take a junior developer about 30 minutes of work.
1000$ watch, 10$ software.
Soo disappointing.
Is there any way to link specific bikes to specific bike activities without having to remember to go into 'gear' & edit the default bike, or retro link a bike to a recorded activity? This would be so very useful as the activities add kms to the default bike.
Strava introduced this feature years ago and Garmin just ignored it completely. However this feature would be quiet nice especially when it comes to different types of bike activities such as virtual rides (e.g. auto select indoor Trainer as gear) vs. outdoor activities.
I would like to have more activities available as defaults for different pairs of shoes.
Now, I can only find activities running, trekking and walking.
Specifically, I miss Treadmill and Golf. And why not Trail Run...