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It sounds like a feature request. Share this idea with them:
This is crazy that this has been here for 3+ years and is an obvious easy area for improvement - as they have added all these different categories and I can't even tell it a default for mountain biking…
I find it hard to believe that something so simple to implement and so obviously useful to riders who, for example, want to set different default bikes for mountain biking vs. road biking, isn't implemented…
Of course everyone could do it manually, that's not the issue that you continue to come in and defend.
Of course everyone could do it manually, that's not the issue that you continue to come in and defend.
I do not defend anything. I suggested the change to Garmin through Share Ideas | Garmin myself already years ago, and would be definitely happy if it existed. I am merely telling new posters, who clearly did not see the functionality for assigning the gear manually, that it is indeed possible.
I’d like to see the ability to add gear to any activity. Currently there are only a handful of activities and “other”. I have several Snowboards and would like to connect the board I rode, to my activity. I hope you consider including this option on a future update.
I have several Snowboards and would like to connect the board I rode, to my activity. I hope you consider including this option on a future update.
If you mean assigning the gear manually, then it is already possible - you can do it in Garmin Connect: tap the last tab Gear, then open the "..." menu top right, and select the option "Add or Remove Gear". Frankly told, I always use the web version of Garmin Connect, where changing the gear is much easier, simpler, and quicker.
Actually it is.. Why do I have to edit all my activities in order to have GC not mess up my equipment statistics all the time?
It seems a pretty dumb feature to implement, many other apps get it right, and so many Garmin customers are asking for it. Why is Garmin so reluctant to make it right in all these years?
If you read the post, I've been answering, where the user asks how to assign several different snowboards to his different snowboarding activities, then you realize that the possibility to automatically assign gear depending on the subcategory would not help in this case. The post was originally in a separate thread, and was later merged with this one by mistake - it is actually unrelated to the demand in the OP.
Hear hear, It should be really easy to implement this. Perhaps ask DV Rainmaker to push on this matter? Is there anyone who can reach him?
i dont believe that garmin realy cares about serious runners. How difficult is it to implement this feature ?
They do not care about runners, they do not care about bikers, they simply do not care at all.
They care about money. So as long as they can sell the products, although the software is such a pain, they will not invest anything.
The only way to make them change is not buying Garmin products.