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This is crazy that this has been here for 3+ years and is an obvious easy area for improvement - as they have added all these different categories and I can't even tell it a default for mountain biking…
I find it hard to believe that something so simple to implement and so obviously useful to riders who, for example, want to set different default bikes for mountain biking vs. road biking, isn't implemented…
Is it possible to have default equipment for different activities. For example when I do a road run garmin adds my road shoes and when I choose trailrun as activity garmin will add my trail shoes and not my road shoes
Not on that level - default equipment only exists for the main type (i.e. running). Both road run and trail run will go under "Running" and there can only be one default.
Surely it can't be that difficult to assign different shoes to different running activities as default?
That's true, you can make a script for that: How to affect an equipment to an activity?.
Because my watch tracks Running and Trail Running as separate activity types and I wear different shoes for these activities I’d like the ability to automatically add my Trail Shoes to Trail Running Activities
Can you please PLEASE fix this annoying UX of default gear for activity?
There are dozens of activities you can choose from in the app but when you set default gear for activity there are only 6 that are hard coded.
So if you are an ultra runner with 3 sets of shoes, you will have to set all Gear to be default to "run" and then manually change to "Trail run" since it's not a default activity.
what is the logic in that?!
Don't use a default, Then add whatever shoes used after the activity has uploaded. I find that easier, since I rotate several types of trail running shoes throughout the week. So even if Garmin Connect was able to set a default shoe for trail running, likely it would be incorrect.
This is not really a solution since it requires you to edit gear which is the same as for switching shoes.
It is really a simple UX and code fix that should have been avoided by a good product team.
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And now its the later half of 2021, and still not fixed. What is the issue with this?