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Apple Health Activity Ring does not fill after workout is completed on a Garmin device (Request for improvement on how Garmin Connect writes data to Apple HealthKit SDK)

Hello, I use my Garmin Fenix 6 for all my workouts and my Apple Watch 7 for daily use. When completed a workout, Garmin Connect synchronizes with Apple Health. Apple Health sees the workout data but does not fill the activity ring. Could anyone provide a solution to this? I see its a common problem among Garmin - Apple users. Garmin, please take care of this!! Thank you!

  • Yes Garmin please give us an update.. This has to be seen by the software engineers already . 

  • I expect a few 'Christmas gift' Garmin users will be posting similar things to this, once they also realise the issue sits with Garmin, and having briefly read what's going on here I would like to just add my experience.

    Three days into wearing an Instinct 2 Solar, I realise that I'm not actually managing to quadruple my daily move goal every single day (beating my proposed New Year's resolution of trying to lose some weight by a number of days) but am just another user who fell for the comedy compatibility with Apple Health.

    What's interesting though is my health provider uses Apple Health Data to give me financial incentives when I perform half as well as Garmin's figures are lying about :) - so I shouldn't really be moaning.

  • I have steered 2 or 3 friends away for Garmin this Xmas due to the incompetence around the garmin Connect App and ecosystem.. I am now withing I had chosen a different brand when setting up my system.. Still might change to something else and bin the Garmin edges..

  • Hi Garmin. Can you send out a statement outlining your Apple health issues, and stating you are not compatible with Apple health, until you work out your issues.. Right now its false advertising, and a blatant lie to suggest you are in any way compatible..

  • Can you send out a statement outlining your Apple health issues

    . . .

    We do not currently have any new information on this report just yet but hope to have something to address this in a future software update.  At this time, we do not have a timeline for the release of this future software update. Thank you for your patience with us while we work to investigate this issue
  • As 1000s of other users have reported, Garmin Connect simply does not connect to Apple health.. (reliably enough to state it connects at all) So pretending it does is deception..

    Either fix it, or pull the functionality and make a statement outlining the situation, so others don't get deceived.. And not on a forum burried 5 topics deep. Publically in the app on on the garmin website..

  • Mine has not been syncing since 30st of October.

    I did a request via Twitter - they did forward it to ‘Tier 2’ team.

    Maybe an idea if others also would send them the same Twitter message?

    @Garmin - Any idea on when the problem with apple health will be fixed?

  • Btw - did find the app RunGap - which is able (after paying the Swag Bag) to do the syncing without any problem!

    1. What Apple device do you own and what is the current sw? (We realize this is not relevant to the functionality.) iPhone 12 Pro / iOS 16.2
    2. What Garmin device do you use as your current (Preferred) activity tracker? Fenix 7xpro
    3. May we have permission to access your Garmin Connect account? Yes
    4. May we have permission to email you? Yes
    5. In what country do you live? Germany

  • Thank you for the hard work and hopefully a solution can be found.

    1. iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 16.2

    2. Garmin Forerunner 735xt

    3. Yes

    4. Yes

    5. USA