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Apple Health Activity Ring does not fill after workout is completed on a Garmin device (Request for improvement on how Garmin Connect writes data to Apple HealthKit SDK)

Hello, I use my Garmin Fenix 6 for all my workouts and my Apple Watch 7 for daily use. When completed a workout, Garmin Connect synchronizes with Apple Health. Apple Health sees the workout data but does not fill the activity ring. Could anyone provide a solution to this? I see its a common problem among Garmin - Apple users. Garmin, please take care of this!! Thank you!

  • It’s amazing to see the number of Garson users continually posting on this forum, and the complete lack of a real response from the Garmin team. Very disappointing - Garmin is under zero risk by allowing users to see info on the Apple ecosystem. Why not open up the floodgates to OUR INFORMATION! 

  • What garmin says here and also is sadly implying is: If you want AppleHealth, then get an Apple Watch. Garmin rather looses customers then being more open and telling people „don’t miss out on anything with us“. Some people will listen to the implications and will happily switch to an AW. The Ultra‘s battery life ist not too shabby, WorkOutDoors is an awesome App and Athlytic has most of the „well-being“ features garmin offers. And to be honest it gets harder and harder to resist. Love my 7x but I can do my Stryd workouts on an AW as well if I decide to. It’s Garmin‘s choice

  • I actually like using both at different times... I believe this is just a over sight because the exercise ring works properly, so the other 2 rings should work the same... I just think the info from this thread and our open tickets are getting funneled to the correct people . And  besides why would Garmin even have the share option to Health in the first place

  • One thing that is missing in your comments is the fact that you dont need an apple watch to use apple health. Apple health is far superior to the library of subset data that garmin collects and holds. As a result, there are tons of other brand devices that feed apple health just fine. I have several. So dont think you need an apple watch just to use apple health as it the watch is just one device feeding it. 

  • You dont need an apple watch to use apple health. Apple health is far superior to the library of subset data that garmin collects and holds as well as something garmin will never successfully reproduce, ever. As a result, there are tons of other brand devices that feed apple health just fine. I have several. So dont think you need an apple watch just to use apple health as it the watch is just one device feeding it. And having apple health as a true library of my health is important. Besides, if Garmin is going to offer and advertise Apple health integration, then they should do it correctly. Ive documented about 6 diff things they failed to do properly that is leading to corrupt data 

  • You shouldn't need an AW. But from a Garmin users standpoint if you want the the Apple Health experience and the 3rd party apps that utilise AH-Data, then you need something else than a Garmin hence an AW. As of now, comparing all the watches that can feed data to AH why would I not get an AW in the first place?

  • I love tech and actually enjoy using both. Apple watch for daily wear and my Garmin for my intense and long workouts or runs.... But since Garmin has the option to sync with Health already why not fix it to work correctly.

  • That's what we are asking for basically. Not everyone want's or is able to use/own two watches that basically do the same. So we want what basically every 100Euro smart watch can do from our 200-2000 Euro watches as well. 

  • From my perspective Garmin is saying "if you want to use most of the value adds of having a Garmin watch, you can ONLY wear a Garmin watch".  Apple is saying "wear what you want when you want, as long as the watch you wear correctly shares data we will include all of it."   Ideally I'd own an Apple Watch for 'all day' wear and the occasional workout, and a Garmin watch for most workouts/longer activities.    Apple has all the tools in place for this to work. Garmin claims to have some of them, but they are all broken and Garmin says they aren't going to fix them.  So, Garmin is forcing me to choose one or the other.   I'm going to wear an Apple Watch, I'd like to sometimes wear a Garmin watch, but given no sign they will fix anything, I bought an Ultra rather than a new forerunner 955 to complement my existing Apple Watch.   I've got an old Fenix I might keep around if I need to record something really long.  I'm more willing to give up the Garmin features than the apple ones.  Not everybody will have the same answer, but each person who does is costing Garmin a sale.

  • I agree 100%.. I really do hope someone at the top in Garmin read these, i think if we keep posting here daily about the same thing it will eventually get someones attention and hopefully fix the issue.  I also reached out to DCrainmaker since he has contacts at Garmin maybe he can also get someone's attention.