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Incorrect distance syncing to Apple health

Despite my original thread now being closed with the text that:

"This was resolved in the latest version of the Garmin Connect App (4.24)"

Unfortunately I have updated to this version and whilst the original issue has been resolved there is still an issue with incorrect distance going to Apple Health in some cases.

Essentially, if only distance from the activity tracker is being synced then the distance data sent to Apple Health is correct.
However as soon as you log a run the distance is again incorrect, it looks like it is adding the run distance data twice or something.
For example, here are my stats from yesterday, a 10km run and 17,957 steps
When I look at the steps data I see this in Connect, 17.52 km for the combined 10km run and the distance
from steps.
However look at the data sent to Apple Health it is incorrect with 26.1km:
Which can be seen was synced from Garmin Connect to Apple:
The original forum post which is now closed reported this issue near the bottom of the logged comments:
As others have commented, the data is fine unless you log a run.
Also if you change type from run to walk and then re-sync then apparently the issue goes away (I haven't tried that)

  • Started having problems today Distance issue as well. My map with km splits no longer appears indicating maybe GPS problem. Distance is way out, I walk 6km in hour & shows about 4.5.

    Normally shows “Geelong Walking” now just shows “Walking”

  • I thought I'd paste the response I received in here for everyone to view:

    Hello Juan,

    Thank you for contacting Garmin

    Although the Connect app shares data with Apple Health, Garmin connect is not able to control how that raw data gets processed once it makes it into any third party's platform.   

    Thank you for choosing Garmin,


    Product Support
    Garmin International

  • I have the same problem too. Sometimes (not always) the distance is just doubled. 

  • Garmin doesn’t know how manage.

    fitbit and polar doesn’t have this issue

  • Sorry that is a bunch of crap. My original post clearly shows that Garmin is SENDING the wrong information to Apple, it is not Apple doing something to data after it was sent from Garmin.

    Not sure what is so hard here. It is clear that the calculation Garmin performs to calculate the distance doesn't work properly when you have also logged an activity for the day, as previously shown. It is easy to reproduce and happens every time, I just checked my Apple Health yesterday and no difference, exactly the same behaviour as detailed at the top of this thread

  • How we can escalate this issue to Garmin Software development ? 

    Let's keep pushing up this post !

  • I have the same problem (iphone 6s - forerunner 245 music)

  • Yeah an absolute load of rubbish. Unfortunately I only got around to responding now - as follows:

    Hello Ronald,

    Thank you for your response and please accept my apologies for the delayed response. I’ve been quite snowed under with work.
    Regarding your response; it unfortunately does not explain the issue at all. If you take a look at the forum, you’ll see the numerous examples posted by various individuals with different devices and different phones. In every example, it is the data being submitted to Apple Health and not the intepretation of the data by Apple Health.
    Please see the following images of my data being incorrectly submitted to Apple Health:
    I would appreciate if you could actually read the forums that I referenced and please let us know how to escalate this to actual developers.
    Thanks & Regards,
  • Indeed - we have to keep pushing, otherwise they just won't do anything.

  • Hello all,

    Silly question and I apologise if this has been asked before, but are we all on various iPhone versions? I have an iPhone 6s.

    Cheers, Juan