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Incorrect distance syncing to Apple health

Despite my original thread now being closed with the text that:

"This was resolved in the latest version of the Garmin Connect App (4.24)"

Unfortunately I have updated to this version and whilst the original issue has been resolved there is still an issue with incorrect distance going to Apple Health in some cases.

Essentially, if only distance from the activity tracker is being synced then the distance data sent to Apple Health is correct.
However as soon as you log a run the distance is again incorrect, it looks like it is adding the run distance data twice or something.
For example, here are my stats from yesterday, a 10km run and 17,957 steps
When I look at the steps data I see this in Connect, 17.52 km for the combined 10km run and the distance
from steps.
However look at the data sent to Apple Health it is incorrect with 26.1km:
Which can be seen was synced from Garmin Connect to Apple:
The original forum post which is now closed reported this issue near the bottom of the logged comments:
As others have commented, the data is fine unless you log a run.
Also if you change type from run to walk and then re-sync then apparently the issue goes away (I haven't tried that)

  • Hehehehe best message! 

  • The same to me. Recently bought the Garmin device and just two days after I stumble on this bug. Very disappointed that after more than one year nothing changed on this tread.

  • I have started a new ticket today with Garmin. I believe the problem is in the complying of running distance, walking distance, and the steps, which is converted into a "total distance", which is then pushed into the Health app. Because my data looks fine in the Garmin Connect App. 

    I have had the problem since I started to sync my Garmin Connect data to the Health app. 

    We will see where this ends...

  • This is correct, same as my original complaint, nothing has changed at all. The doubling only occurs to Apple Health when an activity of some kind is recorded for the day alongside the normal step data. Without an activity the distance sent to Apple Health is correct, with an activity Garmin is miscalculating the addition of the distance of the activity with the distance of the step data when sending it to Apple.

    Data is always correct in Garmin connect App and Apple Health clearly shows the incorrect distance coming from Garmin (Garmin have previously seemed to say it was Apple's fault)

  • Thanks @geepeedee – this Strava work around is working for me to in Jan 2021. I recently got my first Apple Watch and have discovered this same Garmin mayhem, where Garmin doubles my distances going to Apple Health. Having found this issue on the forums, I can't believe this has been an issue for so long, but it's great that Strava have effortlessly solved Garmin's problem for them!

    I've been using Garmin for 10 years and it's often been 2 steps forwards and 1 step back. I would love to see what's happening inside that coding room, because something is definitely up in there when it comes to relating to 3rd party apps. Seems like someone key in the Garmin coding hierarchy truly thinks Garmin comes first, rather than the customer coming first.

  • So apparently they fixed the duplicate entries issue but not this one. So disappointed.

  • This is NOT fixed in the 4.41 GC update!

  • Hello Garmin! I really don't understand why there is no fix for this bug for so long. We are waiting so long ;)

  • I think everyone on here has just completely given up hope that Garmin actually listens to us or cares. They keep claiming they've solved it, or better yet, that it's not their fault.

    So disappointing.