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Apple Watch Move Ring not updated after Garmin workout.

Hi all,

I'm have Garmin Forerunner 235 and a Apple Watch series 4. I use the Garmin Forerunner for workouts and the Apple Watch for daily activity. The Garmin Connect iOS App is integrated with the Health Apps and succesfully shares workout information. The Exercise ring of my Apple Watch is updated succesfully after a workout with the Garmin Forerunner 235. However, the Move ring (calories) not.

In a other topic I read that this issue should be solved, but I still have this issue. 

Someone any idea of this problem should be solved for the Garmin Forerunner 235 as well? 
  • Got mine to work today by going to iPhone Settings> Health> Data Access & Devices> Garmin Connect. Turn on Active Energy. Didn’t need to use Strava. Hope this helps. 

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago

    Mine is also not working.  I did a full restore of my iPhone this week and set it up as a new device, installed Garmin Connect, enabled Active Energy and all the other data, and went for a run this morning.  Activity app shows my workout, shows my green minutes, but does not show any active energy (red ring).  I then restarted my phone and opened the Activity app.  It showed my red calories, then right before my eyes they disappeared.  This is so frustrating.  It makes me want to get rid of my Garmin and just go back to using my Apple Watch to track runs.  

  • Are you syncing direct from The garmin app to health ? Or are you using Strava ?  I’ll be happy with any of my rings updating.... I use both watches ( not at the same time ) and would love the data to update my rings 

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago

    Update: Yesterday afternoon I turned off all connections from the Garmin app to Apple Health.  Then I installed the Strava app, created an account, set Garmin to sync to Strava, and set Strava to write to Apple Health.  This morning I went for a run and when I got back I had green exercise minutes but no red calories.  Literally zero calories for the workout.  Previously the workout details in Apple Health would show calories burned but they would not be counted towards the red ring.  Today there were zero calories.

    After some searching I found mention of Strava using it's own calorie calculations and needing my weight to do that.  I couldn't find anywhere in the Strava app to enter my weight.  Logged into the website, figured out how and entered my weight, then I saw calories in the Strava app.  I was not successful in getting these calories to sync to Apple Health but that's possibly because it had already written the workout.  I will try again tomorrow and see if I can finally get credit for calories.

  • The sync is happening with the iPhone Settings> Health> Data Access & Devices> Garmin Connect.  When I finish my workout with the Garmin and BT connect to Garmin Connect, the sync occurs then.  I do notice the ring doesn't close until I wear my apple watch and then I see the rings close.  The key for me to close the movement ring was turning on the Active Energy. 

  • go to health > profile (top right ) > apps > connect > turn off workouts. 

  • Same issue here but it’s spotty!  I have to push it through this workflow:  Garmin -> Strava -> Apple Health.  I really want to bypass Strava 100%.  

  • Out of the blue getting this same problem, I wonder if perhaps it has something to do with me adjusting my weight (since I lost some kg's!) as I did this in each of the apps individually. My Apple Activities was working perfectly, now I am losing my Move ring data and I think potentially my stand ring. Workout information is working like a charm too. Just can't figure out the bloody thing

  • Having the exact same issue.  May as well bin the Garmin and just record a cycling workout on the Watch. 

  • Same thing for me and my forerunner 245 music.  It started after the GC update 4.32 on June 24.  And of course my monthly Apple Watch challenge was relying on this lol