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Duplicate entries in Apple Health

I am on iOS 11 with the latest version of Garmin Connect. When looking in Apple Health I see lots of duplicate entries (same time and duration) from Garmin Connect in my activities. A quick Google shows people were having this issue back in 2015 but I've not seen any simple solution to stop it from happening and it is becoming more and more irritating.

I know Apple Health may not be the best application but I use it as a central repository.

Does anyone have a simple solution for this (other than buying an Apple Watch and using a Wahoo Tickr with the watch).



  • Maybe I should teach myself Swift so I can write a program that deletes duplicate Connect entries from Health.
  • I suspect they mark the thread as closed immediately after replying and never look at subsequent emails.

    I already considered that. Your app can't delete another sources samples.

    I am mildly interested in talking to the 235 myself over bluetooth and writing my own data into Healthkit.

    FWIW I got a response back form Garmin that said:
    These third-party companies use the Connect Mobile Application Program Interface (API) to pull data from Connect Mobile and integrate it into their mobile app(s). ... If Garmin Connect Mobile displays the data as expected but you still see errors in the third-party app, then that company’s API is either missing the data or not pulling it over correctly. For support in these scenarios, please reach out to the company who created the third-party app you’re using. Garmin does not open tickets with third-party developers regarding individual accounts.

    I replied with Healthkit documentation that clearly states it's the iOS app's responsibility to save samples. Apple Healhtkit does not pull data from Garmin Connect. Rather Garmin Connect writes (sometimes duplicated) samples to Apple Healthkit.

    I'm not holding my breath, but I'm not going to just get brushed off.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 9 years ago in reply to nall
    I replied with Healthkit documentation that clearly states it's the iOS app's responsibility to save samples. Apple Healhtkit does not pull data from Garmin Connect. Rather Garmin Connect writes (sometimes duplicated) samples to Apple Healthkit.

    I'm not holding my breath, but I'm not going to just get brushed off.

    Thanks, and please let us know if Garmin replies. If it wasn't for that bug (and the "pixels dying after some months" problem which also got some discussion here) my vivosmart is working pretty well. But them not taking this seriously is the reason I haven't recommended that device to anybody else...
  • Fixed?

    This appears to have been fixed in Release 3.5 of Garmin Connect Mobile. How does one fix an issue that doesn't exist?
  • Fixed

    This issue appears to have been fixed in Version 3.5. How do you fix an issue that according to Garmin doesn't exist?
  • This appears to have been fixed in Release 3.5 of Garmin Connect Mobile. How does one fix an issue that doesn't exist?

    Yep, confirmed here! No duplicates since I updated. I'd complain about how long it took, but really I'm just happy it's fixed.
  • Up until earlier this week Garmin Connect has been sending workouts to the Health app (and the Activity app) fairly consistently for me. Within the past two or three days, I've been getting multiple entires for the same workout. For example, yesterday's run shows up 20+ times in Health and Activity. Even after deleting the duplicates, I'll open the Activity app later and more duplicates will appear.

    I've deleted and reinstalled Garmin Connect, turned off access to Health, and restarted the phone. None of those helped.

    Is anyone else experiencing this? I'm using a Forerunner 935, iPhone 7S+ and Garmin Connect. I also have MyFitnessPal linked to Garmin, but it isn't receiving duplicate workouts. Thanks.
  • Look to Apple Health for the source of the problem. My bike ride this morning is showing up twice, both times coming from Strava. Hasn't happened before today so maybe we are just looking at it before Apple Health sorts it out. I plan to check back later and see. 920XT, iPhone 6s and whatever the latest iOS and GCM versions are.

  • Mine are all coming from Connect. Activities I record with the Apple Watch are fine, but the Connect ones are multiplying like Gremlins.
  • same here

    for me it started yesterday... i stopped Garmin connect as a source for trainings and switched over to strava, as Garmin pushes automatically to strava... for now this seems to be working for me