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Duplicate entries in Apple Health

I am on iOS 11 with the latest version of Garmin Connect. When looking in Apple Health I see lots of duplicate entries (same time and duration) from Garmin Connect in my activities. A quick Google shows people were having this issue back in 2015 but I've not seen any simple solution to stop it from happening and it is becoming more and more irritating.

I know Apple Health may not be the best application but I use it as a central repository.

Does anyone have a simple solution for this (other than buying an Apple Watch and using a Wahoo Tickr with the watch).



  • I'm not an apple user, but I seem to recall that it was because the phone itself counts steps, and then when the data comes in from Garmin, it's also got steps, resulting in Healthkit getting double steps.

    Isn't there some way in healthkit to turn off the steps counted by the phone itself?
  • I'm not an apple user, but I seem to recall that it was because the phone itself counts steps, and then when the data comes in from Garmin, it's also got steps, resulting in Healthkit getting double steps.

    Isn't there some way in healthkit to turn off the steps counted by the phone itself?


    Sadly it isn't that simple. If you look at the data that is written to HealthKit there are multiple entries from Garmin for the same date/time. For example, the steps seem to be agregated on an hourly basis and written to Healthkit when Connect iOS syncs. Sometimes, there will be just one entry for a given time/date but I've had as many as 13 and frequently there are 3 or more! Healthkit adds all of those duplicates together. The steps from the phone are stored separately and you can choose which ones have "priority" in the health app. Garmin Connect iOS needs to check for existing entries before it blindly writes to the Healthkit database.

  • I'm not an apple user, but I seem to recall that it was because the phone itself counts steps, and then when the data comes in from Garmin, it's also got steps, resulting in Healthkit getting double steps.

    Isn't there some way in healthkit to turn off the steps counted by the phone itself?

    No, that's wrong. I have turned off steps from the M7 chip on my iPhone 5.5. I get multiple duplicate entries from Garmin Connect to Healthkit. It's highly disappointing to see a 2,000 Calorie bonus screwing up my daily log in LoseIt because stupid Garmin Connect has entered 300,000 steps for the day because every entry has 40 duplicates.

    This problem has been around for at least two years. If I'd known about it I would have bought something else.

    Garmin, my next device is going to be a Fitbit GPS watch. Or something else. I'm not buying Garmin again for running.

    Who am I kidding? Garmin doesn't read this forum.
  • Thanks all for the replies. Your experiences jive with what I see as well.

    Sadly it isn't that simple. If you look at the data that is written to HealthKit there are multiple entries from Garmin for the same date/time. For example, the steps seem to be agregated on an hourly basis and written to Healthkit when Connect iOS syncs. Sometimes, there will be just one entry for a given time/date but I've had as many as 13 and frequently there are 3 or more!

    And if you notice while the entries describe the same date/time, they are entered into HealthKit at different times (details -> "Date Added to Health").

    Moving between time zones seems to exacerbate the problem for me.

    I get multiple duplicate entries from Garmin Connect to Healthkit. It's highly disappointing to see a 2,000 Calorie bonus screwing up my daily log in LoseIt because stupid Garmin Connect has entered 300,000 steps for the day because every entry has 40 duplicates.

    Yep, the LoseIt! step bonus is exactly where I feel this pain.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 9 years ago in reply to nall
    I even sent them multiple tweets, didn't get any reply for that issue.. So I don't think they'll fix this.. Sad, but if you want to use HealthKit, you should get something else.

    By the way, it's not just steps... Same problem in the calories section...

  • Cedar Spgs Valley Rd

    Wow. I'd never even seen that section. That this is such a longstanding issue probably does mean they have no interest in fixing it. A shame as I like my 235 otherwise.
  • I ended up stop using my iPhone to track steps. maybe that's what Garmin wants us to do.

    but its bad that there is a known issue for so long and Garmin is not fixing it.
  • Yep, Garmin support is non-responsive. This is disrespectful of their user base and unprofessional. I opened a ticket about it and they immediately shut me down with their "multiple sources" blame-shifting. No Garmin, I have iPhone steps disabled under privacy. The only app with permission to write to Health is Garmin Connect. Here are the steps written to Health yesterday:

    1 entry each for 83 steps at 11 PM
    2 entries each for 234 steps at 10 PM
    3 entries each for 224 steps at 9 PM
    3 entries each for 187 steps at 8 PM
    3 entries each for 69 steps at 7 PM
    4 entries each for 471 steps at 6 PM
    7 entries each for 238 steps at 5 PM
    8 entries each for 2,164 steps at 4 PM
    10 entries each for 508 steps at 3 PM
    10 entries each for 746 steps at 2 PM
    10 entries each for 1,058 steps at 1 PM
    10 entries each for 3,143 steps at 12 PM
    11 entries each for 65 steps at 11 AM
    11 entries each for 88 steps at 10 AM
    12 entries each for 191 steps at 9 AM
    13 entries each for 379 steps at 8 AM
    13 entries each for 43 steps at 7 AM
    18 entries each for 63 steps at 2 AM
    18 entries each for 213 steps at 1 AM
    18 entries each for 113 steps at 12 AM

    For the 18 duplicate entries of 113 steps at 12 AM, Apple health reports they were ALL written by Garmin Connect. They were written at the following times:

    12:38 AM March 2 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    11:38 PM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    10:38 PM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    7:49 PM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    7:03 PM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    6:50 PM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    6:49 PM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    5:49 PM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    5:10 PM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    5:09 PM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    12:49 PM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    10:49 AM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    10:48 AM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    9:24 AM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    9:16 AM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    8:52 AM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    7:58 AM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113
    7:42 AM March 1 - source: Connect - steps: 113

    When Connect is not the foreground application, it will write data at different times during the day to Apple Health. It writes ALL of its accumulated data, without regard for whether any of the data has been previously written and without regard for what is already in Apple Health. When it is the foreground application and a sync with my FR-25 is "forced", it deletes its data from Health first and then writes all of its data for the day.

    I'm a software developer. Bug reports are invaluable for improving products. Ignoring or patronising users who put time into isolating the conditions under which a bug manifests is unprofessional and disrespectful. My next tracking device will not be a Garmin.
  • Yep, Garmin support is non-responsive. This is disrespectful of their user base and unprofessional. I opened a ticket about it and they immediately shut me down with their "multiple sources" blame-shifting.

    I've also opened a ticket and their initial response was to address multiple sources. I replied with screenshots of the duplicated Garmin entries along with detailed screenshots of each duplicate (showing each was written at different times throughout the day).

    I haven't heard back yet, but will update this thread when I do.

    For reference, my images are attached here.

  • I suspect they mark the thread as closed immediately after replying and never look at subsequent emails.