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Duplicate entries in Apple Health

I am on iOS 11 with the latest version of Garmin Connect. When looking in Apple Health I see lots of duplicate entries (same time and duration) from Garmin Connect in my activities. A quick Google shows people were having this issue back in 2015 but I've not seen any simple solution to stop it from happening and it is becoming more and more irritating.

I know Apple Health may not be the best application but I use it as a central repository.

Does anyone have a simple solution for this (other than buying an Apple Watch and using a Wahoo Tickr with the watch).



  • First of all I want to say Garmin makes some of the best hardware. I got the VivoSmart because it checked all the boxes for me in the hardware: Battery life, Sleek looks, Watch display(yes I chose Garmin over the Jawbone because of this!), Controls music, Phone notifications...

    However when it comes to the software- Garmin seems very far behind the competitors. Thanks for working hard on this.

    I use Apple Health because it can share my fitness info to many apps - to my friends with different fitness bands and phone OS. Through the peer-motivation we keep each other fit - and it has been great. EXCEPT....

    I would often get multiple entries of steps from Garmin to Apple Health. This would largely inflate my total number of steps that my friends would cry foul. I'm quite tired of checking regularly and having to delete the duplicate entries in Apple Health. I hope Garmin can work with Apple to come to a resolution soon.

    Thanks for hearing. :)
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 9 years ago in reply to DarickYeo
    I met the same problem, please take A look at the screenshoot blew:
  • Connect seems to sync with Apple Health several times per day and each time every single hourly entry is repeated. So in the evening I can have anything from two to five entries for each hour of the day resulting in a huge amount of steps and runned km. Of course I can delete the extra entries, but anyway. For the km runned, I get only a entries with the hour 0:00 but I get a lot of them with almost similar distance but not quite.

    Any ideas? Yes, I know Health is a beta - but maybe it is the new Connect App? It started after I installed that.
  • This has been an issue for as long as I have been using a Garmin fitness device and the issue is still evident in the public beta of iOS 9, which would suggest to me that the issue actually lies with how Garmin is syncing with Apple Health. My wife doesn't seem to experience the same issues with her non-Garmin activity tracker, so is it Garmin that is at fault?
  • 160

    It seems to be an Apple problem too, i first had it with my Withings tracker, after some Updates in iOS8 it was gone and now it is reappearing.
  • Same problem

    I am experiencing the same problem. Has anyone contacted Garmin Support regarding this?
  • GCM is writing duplicate entries for Step count and active calories to Apple Health app. Please advise if there is a workaround for this problem or if it is a bug and will be corrected in a future release.

    Thank you.
  • I have seen the same thing. It seems to happen when I leave GCM running in the background (iOS 9.2) and my vivoactive loses connection with GCM. If the vivoactive keeps the connection, or if I close GCM and open a few times during the day, then the issue does not appear to occur.

    There is a sticky in this forum that has more details on how long this issue has been around.
  • I recently got a Forerunner 235 and am running the GC software on my iPhone. During the day, steps get registered as expected and all is well. However, if I am wearing the watch at night, at 00:30 I get a set of duplicated updates to the steps for the previous day. So if I fall asleep Tuesday night at 10pm with the watch on and HealthKit shows 10k steps from the 235 that day, I wake up Wednesday morning with HealthKit showing 20k steps on Tuesday. Basically each entry for Tuesday coming from GC has been duplicated when I wake up. The duplicate entries all have an update timestamp of 00:30.

    The only time it didn't happen is when I was charging the watching instead of sleeping with it on, so maybe wearing it at night causes the 00:30 sync to occur.

    Is this a known issue? I plan on writing Garmin but thought I'd ask here in case there's a known workaround.
  • This has been an issue since Garmin integrated HealthKit into the Connect app. It will continue to be an issue until Garmin actually acknowledges it...which based on history, they won't. They even closed the original thread with this same problem. If I were you, and valued the data in HealthKit, I would disable any integration. That's just the sad state Connect has become in regards to HealthKit.