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Spotify CIQ App not working correctly

We are investigating reports that the Spotify CIQ App not working correctly and we are wanting your feedback. Please provide some details about what is occurring when you try to use or setup the Spotify Connect IQ App. Below are just a few questions we would like answered.

  • What is happening? (e.g. failing during setup, sync failure, playback failure, etc.)
  • What kind of phone are you using?
  • What kind of headphones are you using?
  • What Garmin Device do you have?
  • When was the last time Spotify worked correctly?
  • Does the problem only happen with a specific Audio File?
  • Are you using Public WiFi? (Using a Wi-Fi Device on a Captive Portal)
  • What software version is on your Device?
  • Do you have a vivoactive 4 (Hero Series or Saga Series) device? 
  • Garmin Forerunner 645/M has a different path:

    Settings -> Wifi -> Connect to Wifi

    Does a sync, but the names are a bit different.

    On the 645/M after doing this I still have the "Sync Failed" error.

    Again, I am able to sync after getting this message.  I press sync again, then maybe again, then maybe three times getting the "Sync Failed" message, and after a couple of times it will begin the sync and I'll get the podcast.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago

    - Hangs on 0% then fails

    - Samsung Galaxy S10

    - Galaxy Buds earphones

    - Garmin Vivoactive 4S

    - Spotify last worked Jan 11

    - Problem happens when trying any Spotify sync

    - Private mobile wifi

    - Software version 4.50

  • 1.- What is happening? Wifi is not syncing. Will not let me download playlists and gives me error code 0300

    2.- Im using OnePlus 6

    3.- Jaybird Tarah

    4.- Forerunner 645 music

    5.- About 4 weeks

    6.- The problem happens when I try to sync my Spotify playlist into my Forerunner 645M, the wifi just drops. I already try some many ways but nothing, it keeps showing error code 0300

    7.- Im using my privet home wifi

    8.- Version

    Thank you guys and hope that this problem gets solve soon. 

  • Hi Matthew, 

    I'm having problems with syncing from Spotify. It's stays on 0% and then fails.

    Samsung S9

    Headphones are irrelevant 

    Venu (purchased only 2 days ago)

    Worked yesterday and not today. 

    Can't sync any music or podcast 

    Private WiFi. 

    Version 1.3.25

    • What is happening? (e.g. failing during setup, sync failure, playback failure, etc.)
      • I removed and added the spotify app from my watch and when I added it again I could'nt log in to Spotify on Connect Mobile app, I just got this error message: "Spotify - There was a problem getting you signed in!", with options to Cancel or Retry. Retry just throws the same error again whereas cancel will not let me modify my login credentials but just kicks me out of sign on process.
    • What kind of phone are you using?
      • Oneplus 6T
    • What kind of headphones are you using?
      • Jaybird RUN XT
    • What Garmin Device do you have?
      • FR945
    • When was the last time Spotify worked correctly?
      • Yesterday
    • Does the problem only happen with a specific Audio File?
      • N/A
    • Are you using Public WiFi?
      • No
    • What software version is on your Device?
      • GCM: 4.29, FR945: 4.40, Spotify: 1.3.25
    • Do you have a vivoactive 4 (Hero Series or Saga Series) device?
      • No, why? This is clearly answered already in question 4. Shrug

    I sincerely hope this is something that will get solved or is a problem in Spotify API and sorts itself out tomorrow...

  • Mine just ignore. When i hit the Play button on the watch. Vivoactive music 3 watch.

  • Spotify app stopped working mid run, just got stuck middle of a song and did not want to play anymore. Now when I plug in the charger it tries to sync but fails.

    Forerunner 945 brand new, im fairly disappointed...

    • What is happening? (e.g. failing during setup, sync failure, playback failure, etc.)
    • I'm unable to sync music from spotify, I have Forerunner 945 since October 2019, it worked back then, I had to sync playlists around january 2020, and it failed for the first time, as i saw the reports comming from other users I didn't report it. Sync is stuck at 0% and then the message sync failed is shown, or it is stucked for more than one hour and i cancel the process.
    • What kind of phone are you using?
    • Pocofone F1
    • What kind of headphones are you using?
    • I'm not using headphones, becouse there is no music at my phone right now :(
    • What Garmin Device do you have?
    • Forerunner 945
    • When was the last time Spotify worked correctly?
    • ~ December 2019
    • Does the problem only happen with a specific Audio File?
    • It hapens with all spotify playlists
    • Are you using Public WiFi? (Using a Wi-Fi Device on a Captive Portal
    • No I'm using private networks both password protected and not
    • What software version is on your Device?
    • 4.40
    • Do you have a vivoactive 4 (Hero Series or Saga Series) device?
    • Nope

      I'm really disapointed with this problem as I purchased that device to be able to run or cycle and listen to music without my phone on me. It's not the way it should be.
  • ランあとにガーミンウォッチで記録した距離やカロリーをBluetoothでガーミンデバイスに日頃から記録しています。今夜だけに限りランアドニスBluetoothでアップしたら「○○市◆#□◆%ー」の様に文字化け。初めてです。表示をクリックしたらウィンドウが畳みエラーメッセージが出ました。一度は削除し再度Bluetoothでアップしても同じ現象に。。。困っています。なお再インストールを試みましたがアカウントの設定もわかりません。


  • Force Runner 245 Music and must sync 4-10 times to get a full playlist on my watch. Try to uninstall and reinstall the Spotify app but its the same.