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Spotify CIQ App not working correctly

We are investigating reports that the Spotify CIQ App not working correctly and we are wanting your feedback. Please provide some details about what is occurring when you try to use or setup the Spotify Connect IQ App. Below are just a few questions we would like answered.

  • What is happening? (e.g. failing during setup, sync failure, playback failure, etc.)
  • What kind of phone are you using?
  • What kind of headphones are you using?
  • What Garmin Device do you have?
  • When was the last time Spotify worked correctly?
  • Does the problem only happen with a specific Audio File?
  • Are you using Public WiFi? (Using a Wi-Fi Device on a Captive Portal)
  • What software version is on your Device?
  • Do you have a vivoactive 4 (Hero Series or Saga Series) device? 
  • Spotify sync fail. 

    1. try to uninstall spotify and re install using connect IQ => Sync still fail

    2. Can see all spotify playlists but sync fail even with 2 songs on the list

    Phone: Samsung S8 (Androids 9)

    Headphone: Cambridge audio

    Gamnin: Vivoactive 3 music

    Last time working: 2 month ago (mostly i connented to my phone when running)

    Specific audio files: I am not sure because i did uninstall and reinstall so i cannot sync any music file to test.

    WiFi network: use my home wifi (test to both enable and disable of wifi secuirty but nothing work)

    SW version of Garmin Vivoactive 3 music: 5.40 (GPS 2.50, WiFi 2.50, TSC 2.00, ANT/BLE/BT 4.30, Sensor 3.0, WHR 20.03.31, Connect IQ 3.1.6)

    No i do not have vivoactive 4

    PCH from Thaniland

  • i did some further test as follows:

    1. True on mobile hotspot on my Samsung Tablet (ssid OOB1)

    2. Let my samsung s8 to connect to the ssid OOB1

    2. Using garmin connect app on my samsung s8 to create new  wifi network of ssid OOB1

    3. Test network on my Vivaactive music 3=> success

    4. Try to sync spotify music => success

  • Изпратете, не можете да се свържете Спортирайте, за да използвате устройството си, Venu, отговаряте на Huawei Mate 20 Lite, като имате възможност да инсталирате в телефона, но не трябва да ги поддържате с часовник

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago

    Hi Matthew

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago

    Hi Matthew,

    I have the same issue - tried all kinds of things to solve it, with no success. I'd really appreciate your help. This is pretty much the only reason why I bought the VA3 Music.

    What should i do?

    • What is happening? (e.g. failing during setup, sync failure, playback failure, etc.) -> sync failed on Spotify. I can see the playlist, I click on it, then it gets to the screen saying "Syncing Spotify, 0% Complete". It shows all bars full...but nothing happens. After 20-30 seconds I get the screen "Sync Failed"
    • What kind of phone are you using? Samsung A70
    • What kind of headphones are you using? Samsung earbuds
    • What Garmin Device do you have? Vivoactive 3 Music
    • When was the last time Spotify worked correctly? Never
    • Does the problem only happen with a specific Audio File? All
    • Are you using Public WiFi? (Using a Wi-Fi Device on a Captive Portal) I tried both public / hotel WiFi and mobile hotspot - no difference
    • What software version is on your Device? software 5.50 + WiFi 2.50
    • Do you have a vivoactive 4 (Hero Series or Saga Series) device? No
  • Problem solved!

    I had the same problem with syncing my playlist from Spotify to my new Garmin Fenix 6pro. It started after the last update to 8.10.

    Solution for me was as simple as to go to Settings - WiFi - WIFI sync. After that was done I was able to sync my playlist from Spotify on to my watch.

    Have great day!

  • Hiii. .. I'm using fortuner 35 , earlier my mobile app used to show my steps my heart rate n my daily activity n everything . .. But now my phone doesn't show any of it..  Tried pairing my watch a lot many times but it's not happening

  • Here's the list of Spotify errors I get:

    1. Wrong WiFi password when trying to sync with certain routers
    2. Crash when updating downloads.  Better since 6.60 but still happening occassionally
    3. Headphones disconnect during workout and have to be manually disconnected and reconnected
    4. App crashes during workout. Cannot be reaccessed except by rebooting device
    5. Library icon goes blank in app.  Can play current song/podcase but not access library to chage. Only fix to reboot
    6. All controls go blank and app unresponsive. Only fix to reboot device
    7. Excessive batter use even when not being used. Seems to be related to Spotify but cannot confirm. 

    What would be really useful would be a way of forcing a stop of a particular app (like you can on Android) without having to reboot the whole watch, especially if you are in the middle of an activity. 

    Note that I mostly listen to podcasts so other people's experiences may differ with songs. My other request for enhancement would be to improve the handling of podcasts.  There is no way of automatically updating as with songs which means you have to manually delete and add everything and you can only do this via the watch which takes ages. Also, if you reboot the watch, it forgets where it is in the podcast so if you're, say, half an hour through a one hour podcast, you have no practical way of getting back to where you were. No synchronisation of listening point is present with other devices also so you can't finish your run and continue listening on your phone. 

  • 下載都正確,但手錶都是!錶面。

  • Shockingly, this worked for me as well! Other things I tried with no luck:

    • Uninstall/Reinstall Spotify App
    • Delete Wi-Fi networks and re-join
    • Rollback firmware to previous version (PITA and pointless)

    This simple Wi-Fi sync solution did the trick and it's now working normally again. Thanks!