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Map update problem with Garmin Express

I have attempted to update the maps on my Nuvi with the old installer. I was then forced to install the Garmin Express program to do so. The maps and other software updates downloaded alright. However, they never installed on my unit (no warning, no error messages during 5 hours).

I then went to MyDashboard online with the latest Firefox browser. The Garmin site never recognized that the latest Garmin Communicator module was already installed. I then used Internet Expplorer to log into MyGarmin. When I went to the maps update section, I was told that a map update failed and instructed to double-click on the file to start the installation process. However, I never found the bloody file on my computer. I was also offered the choice to entirely remove Garmin Express from my computer. I did so and logged back into MyDashboard. When I attempted to re-download the maps I was again told to install Garmin Express. I did so and I was then informed that it installed correctly. However, the program is now so sluggish that it does not recognize my unit when plugged-in and won't let me register it.

What the hell is going on with your map update process? Is there a solution to my problems?

Frustrated and angry,
  • multiple roads updates on Oregon 650t

    I recently updated my Orgeon 650t to the latest City Navigator North America NT 2014.4 (which was quite a process -- I'm glad that I have professional IT experience 8^) The instructions say that all earlier versions of the layer will be removed but that is not the case. When I check the maps on the GPSr I find the following:

    City Navigator North America NY 2014.1
    CN North America NT 2014.10
    City Navigator North America NY 2014.1 3
    CN North America NT 2014.10 (apparently a duplicate)
    City Navigator North America NY 2014.2
    CN North America NT 2014.20
    City Navigator North America NY 2014.3
    CN North America NT 2014.30
    City Navigator North America NY 2014.4
    CN North America NT 2014.40

    Are these redundant layers? Can I remove all but the current version and still retain all the data? If so, do I do this on BaseCamp, the 650t, or both? If the 650t, how does one safely remove the unwanted data?

    Thanks for your help.
  • You should be able to remove all but the most current, which is 2014.40. Have a look in the Garmin folder on your Oregon. It should be obvious from the dates which are the most recent map files, but if not clear copy them to your PC before you delete them. The maps will consist of 3 files, a *.img file and associated .unl and .gma files.

    You may find the simplest way is to run JaVaWa's Device Manager, available here

    It will display the maps loaded and allow you to choose which ones to delete.
  • In a rational world that's the way things would work but Garmin doesn't live there. There are no 2014.* files on the GPSr using Windows File Manager, only three huge map data files.

    Thanks for the tip on JaVaWa. I have downloaded and installed it and am running a complete device backup. It also doesn't show the same information that the device does about the 2014.* map files. When the backup is done I will try to delete the phantom(?) map files and see what happens. If I lose data I will run a restore.

    If I was still doing IT work -- I'm retired -- I would be fired for writing the garbage that Garmin puts out.
  • Well that's why I said a *.img file, as an ex IT man I'd have though you realised what the * meant ... the *.img are the map files but what the * depicts on your particular GPS I have no idea. Anyway, the JaVaWa device manager should help clear it up for you.
  • I fully understand what an asterisk means, thank you very much. You wrote that there would be multiple *.img files with different dates and that it would be possible to determine from the dates which are the most current. Instead there is only one gmapprom.img file that is large enough to contain the map data and it has a March 2013 date.

    The JaVaWa device manager shows only one (locked) map file.

    I ask again: is there a way to eliminate the spurious 2014.* map files that show up on my GPSr (but not in Windows file manager or JaVaWa device manager)?
  • Well that's at odds with what you said about multiple maps on your GPS, if you have CN NA 2014.40 then it won't have a date of March 2013 since it was issued in 2014. So I'm now confused about what you're saying. Perhaps you could list exactly what files show in the Garmin folder when you view it in Windows Explorer?
  • That is correct, and therein lies the problem. There are five gmap*.* files on my 650t...

    gmpabmap.img 49.8 Kb (2011)
    gmapbmap.sum 1 Kb (2013)
    gmapprom.img 3.28 Gb (2013)
    gmapprom.sum 1 Kb (2013)
    gmaptz.img 580 Kb (2013)

    I updated to CN NA 2014.4 a day or two ago.

    How do I know if the data are current? How do I remove spurious data from the device?
  • gmapbmap.* <== World basemap
    gmapprom.* <== CN NA NT 2014.40
    gmaptz.img <== World time-zone map

    Do you have a (micro)SD card in your unit and if so are there any .img files on it?

    If not I have no idea what's going on.

    PS: Hang on! gmapprom.img should ONLY be 2.10GB (I have it) for the entire CN NA NT 2014.40 maps. There's over of 1GB of extra stuff in that file. WTH? What software did you use to update your maps? Did you use Garmin Express or GarminMapUpdater to load maps to your computer and then use MapInstall to transfer them to your unit? If so you may've inadvertently loaded old maps along with the new ones. That's not the normal way to update units with pre-loaded maps.
  • This is an Oregon 650t; gmapprom.img doesn't contain the CN map, it contains the preinstalled topo (unless you removed it).

    Could you create an online report with JDM (Extra > Report) and place the hyperlink here? That way we can see for ourselves what your device contains.
  • I suspect the OP created a gmapsupp.img file with MapInstall, deleted the gmapprom.img one (and thus the pre-loaded topo's), and renamed gmapsupp.img to gmapprom.img. There's no topo's listed in this list

    Or are the pre-loaded topo's 3.2GB?