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garmin express can't be now disabled from launching at windows startup


before the last update i could prevent garmin express to be launched at windows startup (in the general parameters)

now even if i uncheck the checkbox ot the general parameters, the program is launched at windows startup anyway.

why is it now impossible to prevent the automatic execution of the program?

  • I posted my original message separate from this thread so folks can see the latest 7.17.3 update does not fix the issue. Garmin then buried my post under this thread. Shady actions to say the least.

    Bye Garmin! If you are going to mess with customers and make changes in software that prevent users from controlling how it runs on their system, then your business model is no good. Sadly, I'm about to purchase a new watch as well. Polar will be getting my business now.

  • the latest 7.17.3 update does not fix the issue.

    Confirmed!  Someone who removed the registry key prior to upgrading to 7.17.3 via Garmin Express upgrade please check to see if that registry key is back.  I upgraded by downloading 7.17.3 and installing it and the registry key was recreated.

  • I have received confirmation that the registry key is recreated and that unticking the 'run in background' option does not disable it.  Garmin has released two versions since this was reported.  I'm with @RM_CVSA regarding frustration with Garmin.  I find it unacceptable that we be forced to always run GE in the background.  Worse is that they have not disclosed that fact nor have they advised us that the option to not keep it running in the background no longer works.

  • Exactly what registry key is recreated?

  • Mine doesn't run in the background, and the launch express on startup remained unchecked 

  • Exactly what registry key is recreated?


    The fact that the key is in HKCU has me wondering whether folks who install or upgrade either as a different user, using 'run as administrator', or have to enter admin credentials, don't experience the problem because in those cases the OS may consider that admin as the current user.   This is just conjecture but could explain why some folks are not seeing GE automatically started on PC startup or user login.

    In all cases, the 'run express in background option remains unchecked.  It just isn't honored for those of us experiencing the problem

  • As I said earlier, the registry key you reference reads "C:\Program Files (x86)\Garmin\Express\express.exe" /minimized.  Since GE does not run minimized on my machine, I can’t help but think this is just a dead registry entry.

  • I deleted the registry key with 7.17.2 to stop GE running in the background. After GE updated to 7.17.3, the registry key has been recreated, and after a reboot GE is running, despite having "Always keep Garmin Express running in the background" unchecked in GE settings.

  • As I said earlier, the registry key you reference reads "C:\Program Files (x86)\Garmin\Express\express.exe" /minimized.  Since GE does not run minimized on my machine, I can’t help but think this is just a dead registry entry.

    The only way it I can think of that it wouldn't be running is if is disabled as a startup program by either Task Manager Startup tab or Settings > Startup Apps (they probably do the same thing).  If that is the case, it should not be necessary.  Unticking the 'run in background' option in GE should be enough.

  • As I said earlier, the registry key you reference reads "C:\Program Files (x86)\Garmin\Express\express.exe" /minimized.  Since GE does not run minimized on my machine, I can’t help but think this is just a dead registry entry.

    The only way it I can think of that it wouldn't be running is if is disabled as a startup program by either Task Manager Startup tab or Settings > Startup Apps (they probably do the same thing).  If that is the case, it should not be necessary.  Unticking the 'run in background' option in GE should be enough.

    Unticking the "keep running" option in GE does now not stop it running in the background. It used to...