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WMI Host Provider high CPU when running Garmin Express

This was also reported in the thread about GE using 20% CPU, but I thought the WMI-specific issue should be highlighted in its own thread. The problem was also reported in the Forerunner 945 forum. I had been trying to figure this out for a while until I saw that post. Sure enough, quitting out of GE made the high WMI CPU usage stop.


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  • Windows 10 with 6.21.x same issue. Couldn't figure out why my laptop was so very vert HOT the last couple of weeks. Untill I found out it was Garmin Express that kept my CPU buzy non stop

  • Same for me.  Garmin Express has worked in the background for over a year without trouble until a few days ago.  It took a few hours of troubleshooting to track down what was causing WMI Provider Host to use so much CPU in the Task Manager.  I was already using the latest version ( but removed it and installed it again - this made no difference. 

    As a work around I have found by opening the Services App (just type Services in the start menu search bar), then finding 'Windows Management Instrumentation' right click and restart makes the CPU usage return to normal and Garmin Express still runs OK.  However I need to do this every time I use Garmin Express.

    I'm not sure if the fault is only due to the Garmin Express or the WMI, or a combination of both.  Hopefully it will be fixed soon.  I've now disabled Garmin Express so that it won't automatically start when the PC boots up.

  • I've tested this on three very different W10 pc's. The WMI issue is the same on all three. My solution is to not let it run at start-up. Only run when needed and shut down. There is no other windows program of the many I use that exhibits any observable WMI activity. This is a Garmin software engineering failure and this is now an old well reported and unaddressed issue. 

  • Man, I spend two hours troubleshooting my PC because of this issue and it was this program. Garmin, get it together and fix your buggy software please, it's been months

  • Well, at least it's an easy problem to fix when you know what's causing it. Just stop Garmin Express from running automatically and always. Of course depending on your devices this is more or less a hassle - if you need it to sync your training it's slightly more of an inconvenience than if you use it just to upgrade devices.

  • But it's hardly a fix - more like a bodge. I sincerely expect more from such flagship manufacturer.

    Also in case you're not aware: GE upon install / update always sets itself to run in the background.

  • Where did you find 6.18? Did you have to uninstall before installing 6.18?

  • Had the same issue: every time I booted laptop, I had high CPU, where process WMI Activity needed to be restarted every time I booted laptop. Really ennoying! After long time searching and disabling many services, CPU dropped when booting. When enabling Garmin Express automatic startup, then I knew the cause! I hope they will release a better version soon.

  • CPU graph for WMI provider host after kill of Garmin Express process on my PC.

  • Same here: WMI Provider Host using about 10-15% CPU at all times, with a "Very High" Power Usage and Power Usage Trend. On top of that, it seems that it wakes up my laptop when I put it to sleep.